What it takes for Google Summer of Code!!

Ritwick Raj
2 min readAug 3, 2020


So after passing the community bonding phase and two coding phases, it seems pretty overwhelming. But even now, when someone asks me “How do I crack GSoC’21 or which language or frameworks to use?” I have to think a lot.

So after some brainstorming, the following are my observations. These are the following skills one would need as per my observations:

Mastering a programming language

Be it any framework, the foremost thing you would need is knowing a programming language. And not just knowing it, mastering it. There are all kinds of projects available, right from MERN to Django. You would find atleast one project for each language.

Choose a language, go through the docs, read a few books, build something. And then you are well to go.

Identify your field of work

Again, people think cracking GSoC or building any good project requires knowledge about a particular framework. But what is more important is knowing how frameworks work and how different architectures work.

Find your interest in the field you would like to work on. It can be anything right from Front End to Machine Learning. Learn how stuff work because in whatsoever framework you would use, the basics and the “how it works” concepts would pretty much be the same.

Let us say, you find your interest in Front End Projects. So all frameworks use the concept of components and state management. Get yourself familiar with all basics. Once you are well versed with the concepts and the language. learning any framework won’t be a tough job at all.

Browse projects and understand code

Understanding what a piece of code is doing is very important. And this is something which tutorials can never teach you. It did not teach me atleast.

Check out real life projects and brainstorm ways of implementing the same things in different ways. Play with repositories. Make custom changes and make things run your way.

And finally!!! You are ready to go for GSoC’21.

