5 Ways You Can Win In 2022

Ritwika Roy
6 min readJan 9, 2022


Tried & trusted options for you!

Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels

Yes, a few days have gone by for 2022, and I am writing this article now (a tad bit late). But, let's be honest, the first week of January felt as intimidating as these past 2 years. With a whirlwind of emotions, exhaustion both physically and mentally, and the dilly-dallying of the COVID-19 pandemic looming large in the air — it definitely hasn't been easy (sigh).

Personally, I feel the pandemic and its fallout has drained us of our inherent qualities to succeed in the workplace or in the personal setup. While it may seem like, some individuals have it all together and figured out, (pssst) trust me, it’s all the same!

However, today I am not going to preach something that is impossible to practice and ramble on a superficial level.

No! Not at all.

Today, I hope to get across 5 well-thought and pondered over practices that I aim to achieve over this year and have been imbibing some of them over the past 2 years.

Good habits are worth being fanatical about. -John Irvine

Fingers crossed! It shall help you and me to get small gains in 2022! Let’s begin!


I first started journaling back in 2020, writing about my day and the emotions I felt, and it helped me ALOT. You can take up a similar approach and journal your ideas or feelings that you feel daily or even maintain a gratitude journal. The point is, this journal is yours, and it is to help you get a clearer sense of thinking and frame of mind.

It doesnt necesariliy have to be a paper journal, you can jot down pointers on the Notes app of your phone, but we ought to be consistent with this habit. Practice it for 3 days in a row, and then read all that you have written.

Makes a HUGE difference!

For me, having a set time for penning down my thoughts into my journal always works better, as it is easier to schedule it into my daily routine and ultimately form a habit. Journalling really helps in clearing my mind, and make decisions if I have been indecisive — you can choose your preferred technique, time, method, be it in the morning in a cute pocket diary or on your phone while you are travelling for work, doodling away your thoughts and emotions. The simple takeaway is — to keep a record of all that you feel/are grateful for/plan on doing, which will eventually help you become a clearer and fuller version of yourself!


This seems like one of those preachy points, but let me tell you, it is not just physical exercises or workouts but also mental exercises that are needed to live a healthier and happier life, especially with the COVID19 fatigue slowing us down.

We know that having a set physical routine can be imperative in keeping us active, alert, increasing blood flow, and being healthy overall, but it also has a strong significant impact on our minds. Exercising daily shows an increase in the “happy hormones” in our brain — dopamine and serotonin, which are responsible for the “feel-good factor” and helps us in accomplishing our tasks faster.

I have recently started with chants and mindfulness and it is extremely helpful as it enables me to focus better and increase my concentration abilities.

You can try out new techniques like different forms of meditation (be it only 15 minutes a day), or grounding exercises (to relieve anxiety), or even simple breath control tasks. Trust me, this works wonders if you are consistent and follow the same pattern daily. The key to gaining a good level of self-control and mindfulness isn’t about kick-starting a habit, it is about being consistent throughout and sticking to your plans.

New Hobbies

If you have been feeling gloomy, frustrated, overworked and burnt out (just like the rest of us!), what can really help is starting a new hobby! I have tried it in the past, and it has personally helped me immensely. I have made sure that no matter how busy my day gets, I spend some time engaging the creative side of me.

Personally, I love and adore music, hence I make it a point to either spend some time with my guitar practicing or singing, or if I am feeling adventurous, try composing a new song! You can try it too, pick up something you like, literally ANYTHING and get to it slowly every day!

Stitching, gardening, dancing, reading, writing, cooking — the list goes on, try taking out 30–45 minutes a day focusing on this hobby. Our brains have elevated stress hormone levels (cortisol) if we keep focusing on one task for long mundane hours. Trying out something novel effectively reduces our stress and anxiety levels — helping us be more productive once we go back to our work and on and about our day!

Planning Tasks

I will admit it, I am a list-making person! I love writing down my tasks, and making tiny to-do lists to help me plan out my day, week and month better.

Indeed, it does help a lot to have everything chalked out in front of you! And helps you achieve your goals faster. You could start off with daily goal lists, then monthly and then yearly. Or it could be as simple as “Top 10 Goals You Wish to Achieve by XX Time”.

It is as easy as we make it! I for instance, every sunday, sit with my planner, and chalk down my weekly goals (long term goals) and then break them down into tiny short term daily goals. This gives me better clarity and flexibility to plan out my schedule and the fun fact is it could be about anything! Health, reading, workout, your job, sleeping schedules, social time — the pages are empty and you can fill it in anyway that YOU feel would help you to be more productive and have more control over time-management throughout the day, month and even year!

One New Skill to Learn

This year, pick up one task, and it make it your goal to master it (or atleast practice it diligently) before the year ends. It could be anything: menial or huge and cumbersome, depending on how much time and efforts you are willing to put to it, but DO IT.

I have taken up the challenge of learning a new foreign language and exploring it in the country, by talking with the locals in their native language! You too can try out something new by challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone and picking up something that will help you grow holistically as a person.

Dont know much about Microsoft Excel? Pick up a course and become the Excel master! Want to become more financially prudent? Start reading books and analysing the stock market to understand the basics of finance! Wish to become more tech-savy soon? Start off by taking some AI-ML based courses in understanding what the industry wants and is thriving on right now. If we can put in the work right now bit by bit, we can surely see our efforts bearing the fruits sooner than later!

As we are stepping into mid-January, I earnestly hope that we all together can bring a tiny change in our lives with baby steps, and this article helps you to do so! Having realistic goals will help us bring about some change in our lives in this home-entrapped, pandemic stricken world, for sure!



Ritwika Roy

I write about lifestyle, travel, health and my quest towards building a better version of me. As a Neuroscientist, I love writing on the science of well being.