FasterNode vs ShipFast: Launching Your Startup with the Right Tools

2 min readApr 28, 2024

Choosing the right boilerplate can significantly impact your startup’s development speed and long-term maintainability. and ShipFast are popular options, but they cater to different needs. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Focus and Philosophy

  • FasterNode: Offers a lightweight, customizable foundation for Node.js web applications. It prioritizes flexibility and a clean codebase with less abstraction.
  • ShipFast: Specializes in rapid prototyping and launching SaaS or AI-powered startups built with Next.js. It provides a more opinionated structure with pre-built components.

Backend Technology

  • FasterNode: Leverages Node.js, a powerful JavaScript runtime environment well-suited for building scalable and real-time applications. Node.js excels at handling numerous concurrent connections, making it ideal for data-intensive and interactive web services.
  • ShipFast: Built on top of Next.js, a framework that combines the flexibility of React for user interfaces with the server-side rendering capabilities of frameworks like Express. While convenient, Next.js can introduce some limitations compared to raw Node.js development.

Advantages of FasterNode

  • Flexibility and Control: Provides a cleaner codebase with fewer abstractions, allowing for more control over the application’s architecture.
  • Node.js Power: Harnesses the strengths of Node.js for scalability and real-time functionality.
  • Focus on Core Features: FasterNode streamlines development, allowing you to concentrate on your startup’s unique functionalities.
  • Suitable for Customization: Ideal for developers who prefer a blank slate and want to tailor the application to specific needs.

Potential Drawbacks of FasterNode

  • More Development Effort: Requires more manual setup compared to ShipFast’s pre-built components, potentially extending development time.

Advantages of ShipFast

  • Rapid Prototyping: Pre-built components and Next.js’s features accelerate development, enabling faster launches.
  • Suitable for SaaS and AI Tools: Tailored towards web applications that heavily rely on user interfaces and server-side rendering.

Potential Drawbacks of ShipFast

  • Less Flexibility: Next.js’s structure might restrict customization compared to a vanilla Node.js approach.
  • Potential Performance Overhead: Next.js can introduce some overhead compared to raw Node.js, which might be a concern for performance-critical applications.
  • Security Considerations: Security features might require more legwork from the developer compared to a boilerplate with built-in security measures.


The choice between and ShipFast depends on your project’s requirements and development preferences.

  • Choose if: You prioritize a clean, customizable codebase, leverage the power of Node.js, and are comfortable with more manual setup.
  • Choose ShipFast if: You need to launch quickly, value pre-built components for user interfaces and functionalities, and are building a SaaS or AI-powered web application with Next.js.

Remember, both and ShipFast are excellent starting points. Consider your project’s specific needs and your development team’s expertise to make the best choice for your startup’s success.

