Top 5 SaaS Node.js Express Boilerplates of 2024: Launching Your Startup Faster

3 min readMay 19, 2024

In the dynamic world of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), getting your product off the ground quickly is crucial. Node.js and Express.js have emerged as a powerful combination for building scalable and efficient SaaS applications. Leveraging a well-designed boilerplate can supercharge your development process, providing a solid foundation to build upon.

Here are our top 5 picks for Node.js Express boilerplates, that are propelling SaaS startups to success in 2024:

  • Key Strength: Unparalleled flexibility and minimal abstraction. This boilerplate empowers you to build your SaaS exactly as you envision it, with minimal constraints.
  • Ideal For: Developers who value customization and want full control over their codebase.
  • Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, EJS (templating engine), CSS & Tailwind CSS (styling framework).
  • Description: is a minimalist’s dream. It provides the essentials for a SaaS — user authentication, payments, email handling — without forcing you into specific patterns or libraries. This makes it incredibly adaptable to different projects and architectures.


  • Key Strength: Open-source and modular architecture. It offers a flexible and customizable solution for building SaaS platforms.
  • Ideal For: Developers who want a customizable foundation and the ability to integrate with various tools and services.
  • Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React (for frontend), and various other libraries and tools.
  • Description: is a versatile option for those who want to tailor their SaaS platform to their specific needs. Its modular design allows you to pick and choose the components you need, while its open-source nature gives you full transparency and control over the codebase.

3. Turbojet:

  • Key Strength: Focus on performance and scalability. Turbojet is designed to help you build high-performance SaaS applications that can handle massive traffic.
  • Ideal For: Developers building enterprise-level SaaS products that require robust infrastructure and optimized performance.
  • Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Redis (for caching), and React (for frontend).
  • Description: When your SaaS needs to handle serious workloads, Turbojet steps up. Its architecture prioritizes speed and efficiency, offering features like user impersonation for debugging, an admin dashboard, and detailed subscription management tools to keep things running smoothly.

4. Kickstart Pro:

  • Key Strength: Full-stack boilerplate with integrated frontend and backend components. It offers a comprehensive solution for building complex SaaS applications.
  • Ideal For: Experienced developers who want a complete, production-ready solution with all the necessary tools and features out of the box.
  • Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React (for frontend), Next.js (for SSR), Tailwind CSS (for styling).
  • Description: Kickstart Pro is a powerhouse for ambitious projects. It brings together technologies like Firebase, Stripe, and Prismic CMS to provide a complete stack for building feature-rich SaaS applications. This saves you time by not having to piece together different components.

5. SaaSgear:

  • Key Strength: Open-source and free to use. SaaSgear provides a cost-effective option for bootstrapped startups or developers who want to experiment with SaaS development.
  • Ideal For: Budget-conscious developers or startups looking for a solid foundation without the financial commitment of a paid boilerplate.
  • Tech Stack: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React (for frontend).
  • Description: SaaSgear is a great starting point if you’re just dipping your toes into the SaaS world. Its open-source nature gives you full access to the codebase, allowing for deep customization and learning. It also includes essential features like authentication, subscriptions, and role-based access control.

Choosing the Right Boilerplate for Your SaaS

The best boilerplate for your SaaS project will depend on your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise. Consider factors like:

  • Customization: How much flexibility do you need to tailor the boilerplate to your specific requirements?
  • Ease of Use: Do you need a visually-focused builder, or are you comfortable with a more code-centric approach?
  • Performance: Are you building a high-traffic SaaS that requires robust infrastructure and performance optimization?
  • Budget: Are you willing to invest in a premium boilerplate, or are you looking for a free or open-source option?

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose the boilerplate that aligns best with your goals and sets your SaaS project up for success.

