How Light Language can help you discover your Stareed Origins

If you are looking for your Starseed origins and Star Family, like many newly awakened Starseeds, I want to share with you a little-known but very effective way of telling your Starseed origins. It does not require a Starseed reading nor a visit to the Akashic Records (which, to be fair, are the most extensive source of information on your Soul history — but that’s a separate subject). This way is through Light Language.

Riya Loveguard
6 min readJun 16, 2022

Not many people know that Light Language — or channelling energy in the form of sound — is directly related to Starseed origins. That’s because Light Language is still considered quite a strange, mystical modality and largely misunderstood.

But whilst many freshly awakened Starseeds are wasting their time reading generic and often very inaccurate lists of Starseed traits, Light Language provides a solid energetic pathway to discover which Star system you came from — and to connect with your Star Family. Let me explain how.

What is Light Language?

To begin with, you need to understand what Light Language is. The phrase “Light Language” is unfortunate and even misleading because it does not refer to a single language. One of the most common misconceptions is thinking of Light Language as one language.

But in fact, Individuals who express the distinct tone of their Soul, as well as those who channel various energies, such as energies of the land they stood on, or energies of Galactic Light Beings such as the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, and Andromedans, use the same term. Languages of long-forgotten civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis can also be referred to as Light Language. One thing they all have in common is that Light Language expresses energy through sound.

So how does the Light Language relate to your Starseed origins?

Every Galactic and Inner Earth Race have their unique energetic signature. And this energy signature is expressed very strongly in their Light Language! For example, Sirian Language is grounding, Arcturian is infused with unconditional love, Lyran Avian is sublime and carries the frequency of freedom, Lemurian is coded with divine feminine love and Atlantean — with divine masculine confidence.

However, what’s more important is that the Light Language energy works beyond your conscious mind and directly into your energy field. It can awaken your dormant Soul memories.

When you hear Light Language that belongs to the Star Race that your Soul was once a member of — you will instantaneously recognise it.

It will sound like an old, familiar song. You may even be strongly moved by the energy to the point of tears as your subconscious Soul memories flood your system. You may feel strong sensations in your body or just a very subtle sense of nostalgia. This is a sure fire indication that you have once spoken this Light Language and that your Soul remembers.

I remember personally when I first heard someone speaking Sirian Light Language in a guided meditation. I was already experienced in Light Languages, with over a decade of channelling Arcturian but it was the first time in this lifetime that I heard Sirian. I was in a meditative state but when the Language came through it felt like a jolt of energy and I suddenly felt like I came home! It was incredible. A few weeks later, I connected to the Sirians directly and my own Sirian activated. I accessed memories of my lifetime on Sirius as a researcher. Pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Which leads me to another point:

Activating your own Light Language as a way of telling your Starseed roots

When your own Light Language activates, this will be a very strong, unmistakable indicator of your Starseed heritage! If you start speaking Arcturian — it means you once was an Arcturian, if you speak Pleiadian — then it means you’ve had an experience as a Pleiadian, and so on. Bottomline is: Light Language taps into your Soul memories, and what determines the Light Language that will activate, is what you have experienced as a Soul. It is very rare to be able to speak a Light Language that does not come from your own Soul memories.

From my experience activating light languages of hundreds of Starseeds, Light Language that activates the first is usually the one from your last Galactic incarnation before this one on Earth. And your last Galactic incarnation determines your Soul mission. After all, this has been where you answered the call to incarnate on Earth as a volunteer to help raise the collective consciousness up by with the help of your Galactic superpowers.

It is possible to activate more than one Light Language simultaneously. In fact, what I have noticed during my Light Language Activations, is that as our collective understanding of Light Language deepens, more and more people activate multiple languages straight away. When I first started activating Light Languages in other Starseeds a couple of years ago, it was exceptional when a person activated more than one Light Language. Now, it is becoming a new normal feature of my energetic transmissions. This leads to another point!

As a Starseed you may incarnated as more than one Star Being!

That’s right! As a soul we often go through hundreds or even thousands lifetimes — both here on Earth and as extraterrestrial beings. This is whyl labels such as “Arcturian”, “Pleiadian”, “Blue Avian” do not fully encompass our Souls’ vast experiences as we could have been all three at some point! And as such you may be able to activate all three Light Languages.

I currently speak 20 different ones, but that’s because of my unique Soul blueprint. My first experience as a Soul was as an Akashic Records keeper — a Galactic librarian of sorts. Having lived in the Library of the Universe as my first experience

There is also one more important point to make:

Your Soul’s origins vs your Starseed origin

Your Soul’s origins — or your very first experience after separating from Source — is also something that carries like an imprint throughout your lifetimes. That imprint is also expressed in your Light Language. So to sum it up: Soul origin is determined by your Soul’s very first experience, your Starseed origin — by the last experience before this earthly incarnation.

What I have noticed over the course of listening to many audio samples of my students that the first Soul experience leaves an energetic trace. For example, my husband Aeron Lazar speaks Arcturian (this was his last Galactic lifetime), but you can still feel a Dragon energy imprint around him. This is because his first soul experience was as a Dragon. The same imprint is reflected in his personality traits that take from btoh Arcturian and Dragon Races.

Starseeds origins and Light Language a fascinating subject, and much more complex than online “Starseed Trait” lists would suggest. I’m literally devoting my life to researching and teaching the intricacies of various Light Languages.

However, you don’t have to go that much in depth to discover your own Starseed origins. All you need to do is listen and feel resonance with various Star Nations energies. For this reason, I prepared a free resource to help you: a Light Language Library. It contains samples of 15 different Light Language types — mostly of Galactic Origins (Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Lyran Feline, Lyran Avian, Orion, Blue Avian) but also ancient Lemurian, Atlantean, Mayan and some others such as the Akashic Language Light Language, Faerie Light Language and Dragon Light Language.

And if you are ready to activate your own Light Language and learn to use it with precision and understanding, I invite you to take part in my Light Language Course — the most comprehensive course on the subject in existence!

About the Author - Riya Loveguard

Riya Loveguard is a Spiritual Catalyst, Starseed Activator, Light Language Expert, and Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Business Coach.
Riya’s extraordinary ability to channel frequencies from multiple Galactic Star Nations in the form of sound with complete understanding and precision earned her the nickname “The Galactic Linguist” and a reputation as a Star Nations Ambassador across dimensions.

Riya Loveguard guides conscious entrepreneurs on the path to personal and business ascension and expansion by combining her supernatural gifts with a practical attitude and extensive business experience.

Riya, as a Quantum Business coach, paves the way for a new generation of entrepreneurs who are ready to make an impact on the New Earth while living a life of abundance and fulfilment in complete alignment with their Higher Self.



Riya Loveguard

Starseed & Light Language Activator. Nicknamed “the Galactic Linguist” she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian.