The Starseed Mission: how to connect with you Star Family

Riya Loveguard
3 min readSep 2, 2021


Multiple Star Races are proactively seeking to activate Starseeds to the next level of their mission here on Earth. Simultaneously, Lemurians and Atlanteans are also extremely keen to guide and equip their descendants, so the mistakes they have made as civilisations do not get repeated in this critical time of Earth’s consciousness ascension.

It’s not something I read in a book. I am speaking 100% from experience.

Starseeds Activated by Galactic Soul Family (Riya Loveguard)

Not long ago I held a Light Language Activation for my course attendees. So many beautiful Galactic Races sent their representatives and nobody came empty-handed! That’s right! All of them: the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Orions, Lyran Avians and Felines, as well as the Andromedans came with very specific gifts for their Starseeds, to equip them for their unique mission!

  • the Orions stepped forward first with an ankh designed to attune our frequencies to theirs
  • the Sirians gifted a singing bowl which meant that whoever speaks Sirian Light Language expands their consciousness
  • the Andromedans came forward with a carving from one of their most ancient trees containing the wisdom of nature and helping people connect with their environment
  • the Arcturians brought forward a crystal that looked like a diamond to amplify their frequency in Arcturian Starseeds
  • the Pleiadians brought something immaterial: the solar frequency that symbolises the fact that the Sun is always shining upon our consciousness, no matter the darkness
  • the Lyran Felines held off giving a gift as it to say: do not be presumptuous, we come on our own terms (typical cats!) but in the end extended a scroll which was like a zip file of information about their Race and their Planet
  • the Lyran Avians came with a wood carved statue of an eagle, symbolising the might and freedom in their frequencies

It was such a potent blend of frequencies we all felt quite overwhelmed. Every Light Race was keen to activate the unique abilities in their Starseeds and each Race surprised us by bringing a special gift!

And the reason I am sharing this with you is that as a Starseed, you may be doubting yourself. You may be asking “am I actually a Starseed?” Is it not just my ego? But deep inside you know you are here on Earth for a bigger reason even if you are not quite sure about your mission just yet.

How can you connect to your Star Family as a Starseed

You may be asking yourself: “Why haven’t my Star Family make contact with me yet?”

The thing is, when you are trying to connect to your Soul Family and Galactic Guides for the first time, it may seem quite difficult. Like they reside in higher dimensions and therefore it’s hard to reach them.

But that’s an illusion. The reality is you Soul Family are cheering you on. They don’t want to impose yourself on you, so they’re just waiting for you put a call out to them to say: I’m ready now!

If you are keen to re-connect with your Galactic, Lemurian or Atlantean Soul Family, simply set an intention in your heart! And if you need an extra boost, you can also try this short but potent channelled activation to send a signal out to your Interstellar Guides saying “I’m ready”. This energetic transmission is designed to alter your frequency within your energy field in such a way that you become more receptive to energies of Light Beings that can’t wait to support you in your planetary mission!

If you have any Starseed related questions, just reach out to me. My own Starseed mission is to equip and activate people like you for their mission here in 3D. I’ve got the support of Galactic Team of Guides from multiple Star Races and a range of energetic tools available to help! You will find all my social media channels as well as tonnes of activations and Starseed materials at

Riya Loveguard is a Starseed Activator who introduces Starseeds, Healers and Lightworkers to step into a bridge of their divine mission.

Riya has been nicknamed “the Galactic Linguist” due to the fact that she can speak multiple Extraterrestrial Light Languages such as Andromedan, Arcturian, Lyran, Avian and Feline, Sirian and Pleiadian as well as the Languages of ancient civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Riya specialises in activating Light Languages and other spiritual abilities in Starseeds & Earthseeds.



Riya Loveguard

Starseed & Light Language Activator. Nicknamed “the Galactic Linguist” she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian.