What’s the purpose of Light Language?

10 practical and surprising applications of the mystical modality from the Light Language Polyglot

Riya Loveguard
5 min readJul 5, 2022

What’s the point in speaking Light Language? That was a question I asked myself for over a decade, ever since my first Light Language activated when I was in my early twenties. It felt like a party trick — quirky, otherworldly but utterly useless in my day-to-day life.

Fast forward 15 years and 20 more Light Languages activated in myself and hundreds more in my students, this ability is the most important tool in my energetic toolbox.

It is still quirky and otherworldly, but utterly transformative, practical and powerful.

Riya Loveguard Light Language purpose

What’s the purpose of Light Language?

Light Language is a powerful, and often underestimated energetic tool for healing, expansion and transformation. Here is a list of practical ways you can use Light Language not only in your spiritual life but in your day-to-day!

#1 To bring back ancient knowledge and memories

The common feedback I get after my transmissions — especially when people hear me channel for the very first time is that something stirred within them. A sense of familiarity and nostalgia. Flashbacks of past lives, often on other planets. A remembrance of who they really are as multidimensional beings. When they connect to this feeling they often get a sense of purpose and start seeing their life in a new light, with a fresh sense of purpose. It is often a very emotional and profound moment, when centuries-old memories stored in their energetic bodies start to flood their system.

#2 To activate spiritual gifts and abilities in other Starseeds & Lightworkers

The frequency I hold and express in Language of Light brings hidden abilities and supernatural powers to the surface, especially in Starseeds. These can be psychic, healing, channelling or activating skills that they often did not know about. They sometimes come online right after the transmission but often unfold in the days and weeks after. Light Language acts as a bridge for frequency to connect people with the abilities they have mastered in their previous incarnations.

#3 To transmit consciousness technology energetic upgrades

Consciousness Technology, often referred to as Light Codes, are powerful energetic upgrades coming from various Galactic Races or from the fabric of the Quantum Multiverse that can rewire energetic fields beyond the conscious and subconscious mind. These upgrades result in concrete shifts in physical reality of the person receiving them and work just like magic. Once you discover these advanced Quantum energetic tools, you will realise that the law of attraction that humanity has been raving on for the last decade is just the tip of the energetic iceberg. These gentle but sophisticated codes can be transmitted in Light Languages with specific area of your life in mind. They can help you find the sense of purpose, attract more synchronicities, manifest the life of your dreams and shift into the highest state of flow, abundance, health and happiness!

#4 To communicate with Galactic Beings

Various Races of Beings of Light communicate telepathically but if you are struggling with receiving messages in a conscious or trans state, Light Language provides a concrete, easy alternative. You speak — and then you translate what you just said. That’s right, contrary to a popular belief, you can absolutely understand what you’re channelling. I often translate my Light Language transmissions in real time, and teach it to my students. In fact, this is one of the core skills we practice within my flagship Light Languages Course.

#5 To raise vibration

This is one of the most basic but very effective applications of Light Language. When you channel Light Language, your vibration naturally increases — and so does that of your clients! It is super useful whenever you are under the weight of an illness, negative energy and need to snap out of it! In my many years’ experience of channelling Light Language I have even discovered that speaking Light Language helps me fend off infections — whenever my body is fighting against a flu or cold, I start channeling and the symptoms usually subside within a few hours and never come back.

#6 To discover Starseed / Earthseed origins

An activated Light Language serves as a hard proof of your Starseed or Earthseed origins. Usually the one that activates first is from your last Galactic lifetimes. So if your Arcturian activates — then you must have had an incarnation as an Arcturian. If your Pleiadian activate — then your Soul has once been a Pleiadian, and so on and so for. Of course, as our Soul experiences different terrestrial and extraterrestrial incarnations, you may have more than one available — and both myself and my students are living proof of that! I have elaborated further on it in this article.

#7 To cleanse the atmosphere

Due to its high frequency, Light Language has the ability to blast through any energetic densities — especially languages such as Blue Avian, Orion and Pleiadian. You can use them as your own portable, weightless and discrete smudging stick or Tibetan singing bowl!

#8 To heal the physical body

Light Language is often used by healers to restore the physical body — of both humans and animals — to its optimum state of vitality. The sound frequencies work on a deep cellular level to bring about healing and transformation. This is not my particular area of specialism, but I have witnessed my students add Light Language to their healing practices with increidble results.

#9 To build Quantum Architecture

You can use Light Language to install various pieces of invisible but powerful Quantum Architecture in your own field and that of your clients — be it protective shielding, amplified business resonance, programming transformative frequency in your programmes and offering — you can use Light Language for all of that.

#10 To unblock your expression

Apart from channelling languages of various Galactic Races or ancient civilisations such as Lemuria or Atlantis, you can also activate the Language of your Soul. This unique sound expresses the very essence of who you are beyond this physical body. It is a very profound experience and one that melts various blocks to expression that often sit around our throat energy centre.

The list above is not exhaustive! As we are growing in understanding of the Light Language on both collective and individual level, our understanding of this mystical modality will grow to include more precision and conscious understanding.

About the author

Riya Marta Loveguard Light Language Activator

Riya Loveguard is a Starseed and Light Language Activator. She is the creatrix of the Light Language Course, an extensive online programme that activates the ability of channelling Light Languages in Souls ready to support collective consciousness ascension and coaches them how to utilise these frequencies with intention, precision and understanding. You can find more of Riya’s resources for Starseeds and Lightworkers here.



Riya Loveguard

Starseed & Light Language Activator. Nicknamed “the Galactic Linguist” she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian.