Indoor Bouldering Basics with Bouldering Techniques for Beginners

Muhibul Haque
3 min readMar 1, 2020


Bouldering is a sort or wall climbing where people don’t use any rope to climb. To me, the most accessible sorts of climbing are bouldering.

You don’t even need any specialist equipment; just kind of comfortable clothes and it’s a great way to kind of just kind of experiment and plays around with movement.

Bouldering Techniques

You don’t need to be taught, you don’t need formal instruction at all that’s just experimenting, playing around with different holes and getting used to how your body moves.

Not just up and down but left and right and overhangs and just kind of playing around with the fine adjustments that make so much difference to how easy or how hard the climates.

So your hands kind of act to keep you posted but you want to have as much of the weight of your feet, so you want your hips are supposed to be warm as possible.

Bouldering Technique Basics

You don’t have your sagging bum or if you want to have a chest new hips nice and close to the wall and then you want to kind of play with the position of your knees.

Your hips to keep your hips straight and arms as well. Because if you got bent on you’re just burning a mission whereas straight on often you can kind of climb around or straight on.

So, you can keep your arm straight as you go. You’re using your legs to push as opposed to your arms. It’s a straight-on kind of warming up is director diversify.

When it whenever you put your foot on a hole you put it on as precisely as the possible the first time. If you’re on your toe that pushes your hips backwards away from the wall whereas ou’re on the side of your foot whether it’s the inside or the outside.

You can keep your hips much much closer to the world. So then you can. I’ve been climbing for and on and off for about 20 years and I started climbing to look for something physically challenging.

You could do kind of outdoors and indoors and it’s got a great kind of physical challenge as well as combined with a brilliant kind of chess. So you’re having to work out problems. But you’ve always got this kind of ticking clock of how much energy you’ve got left in your muscles.

Often, you’re struggling to hold on you’ve got to work out the sequence of moves. You’re about to do next so there’s some really fun games you can play bouldering.

Because it’s a really social activity whereas climbing longer routes through the rope is normally done in pairs and normally one person climbs for a few minutes and the next person has ago but bouldering.

You can play games like the game of like the silent feet game where you try not to make any noise. They have to climb using that hold and then they add one more hold on and then the next person who climbs adds one more hold on to the sequence.

And you have to memorize the sequence as you go and it’s kind of knockout and keeps going until this was one person left. It’s a fun game!



Muhibul Haque

Hello, I’m Muhibul. I work as mason and I try to help people as well. Thus I share home improvement tips with people.