Simple tips to make your Vaping Eco-Friendly

riya mehra
2 min readNov 2, 2019


We all know that smoking creates fumes which are harmful to human residing near the smoker but that are not the cases of vaping. As no fumes are created during the use of vape devices since they work on the process of vaporization. Furthermore, there is no residue left behind from vaping but in the case of cigarettes, a whole lot of cigarette butts and smoke are creating problems for the environment. The person who uses vaping instead of cigarettes can praise himself/herself for not contributing to pollution in the environment because of smoking. In fact, you are also helping to contain deforestation and degradation which is caused by planting and consuming tobacco.

Though vaping has its liability to the environment but with the extra care, it can be eliminated. However, a device like Vaporesso Aurora pod Kit UK is almost Eco-friendly vaping equipment. This blog is to share some of the tips to make your vaping eco-friendly and help to restore the environment.

Proper Disposal of Battery.

Each battery has its life span whether it’s an internal or external battery. So proper disposal in needed to make sure that the harmful effect of the degrading battery does not affect the environment. Never throw the battery in the garbage or in the lively surrounding, always place the used batteries in the battery recycling bins.

Disposal of E-Liquid with caution.

Many of the times an individual loses interest in the flavor he/she got, and unable to share it with the others. Eventually, they discard the E-liquid by throwing them in garbage bins. Being a responsible citizen of the planet earth we urge you not to do so. If you feeling uneasy with your current flavor then you must use Pathfinder V2 UK for intuiting.Whereas the leftover of the e-liquid should be disposed of properly in the secure bin which cannot be accessed by animals and birds. Place the bins away from open surroundings so that it the remaining of the e-liquid do not harm the environment.

