8Week SQL Challenge: Case Study #7 — Balanced Tree Clothing Co.

Riya Sharma
7 min readDec 17, 2022


In this article, I have solved Danny’s 8-Week SQL Challenge Case Study#7. Get access to the challenge here. To get the whole code click here.


Balanced Tree Clothing Company prides themselves on providing an optimised range of clothing and lifestyle wear for the modern adventurer!

Danny, the CEO of this trendy fashion company has asked you to assist the team’s merchandising teams analyse their sales performance and generate a basic financial report to share with the wider business.

Available Data

For this case study there is a total of 4 datasets for this case study — however you will only need to utilise 2 main tables to solve all of the regular questions, and the additional 2 tables are used only for the bonus challenge question!

Product Details

balanced_tree.product_details includes all information about the entire range that Balanced Clothing sells in their store.

Product Sales

balanced_tree.sales contains product level information for all the transactions made for Balanced Tree including quantity, price, percentage discount, member status, a transaction ID and also the transaction timestamp.

Product Hierarchy & Product Price

Thes tables are used only for the bonus question where we will use them to recreate the balanced_tree.product_details table.

Case Study Questions

The following questions can be considered key business questions and metrics that the Balanced Tree team requires for their monthly reports.

Each question can be answered using a single query — but as you are writing the SQL to solve each individual problem, keep in mind how you would generate all of these metrics in a single SQL script which the Balanced Tree team can run each month.

High Level Sales Analysis

1. What was the total quantity sold for all products?

select sum(qty) as sold
from sales s join product_details p
on s.prod_id=p.product_id

2. What is the total generated revenue for all products before discounts?

select sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)) as Total_Revenues from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id

3. What was the total discount amount for all products?

select round(sum((discount*(qty*s.price)/100.0)),2) as Total_Discount
from sales s join product_details pd
on s.prod_id=pd.product_id

Transaction Analysis

1. How many unique transactions were there?

select count(distinct txn_id) as unique_transactions
from sales

2. What is the average unique products purchased in each transaction?

with prods as (
select distinct txn_id,count(prod_id)over(partition by txn_id) as prod
from sales)
select sum(prod)/count(txn_id) as avg_unique_prods
from prods

3. What are the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile values for the revenue per transaction?

select   distinct
percentile_cont(0.25)within group(order by ((qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01)))over() as percentile_25,
percentile_cont(0.5)within group(order by ((qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01)))over() as percentile_50,
percentile_cont(0.75)within group(order by ((qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01)))over() as percentile_75
from sales

4. What is the average discount value per transaction?

select round(avg(discount*qty*price/100.0),2) as avg_discount
from sales

5. What is the percentage split of all transactions for members vs non-members?

select sum(case when member='t' then 1 else 0 end)*100.0/count(*) as member,
sum(case when member='f' then 1 else 0 end)*100.0/count(*) as non_member
from sales

6. What is the average revenue for member transactions and non-member transactions?

avg(case when member='t' then (qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01) end) as avg_revenue_member,
avg(case when member='f' then (qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01) end) as avg_revenue_non_member
from sales

Product Analysis

1. What are the top 3 products by total revenue before discount?

select distinct product_name,sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)) as total_revenue
from sales s join product_details pd
on s.prod_id=pd.product_id
group by product_name
order by 2 desc
offset 0 rows
fetch next 3 rows only

2. What is the total quantity, revenue and discount for each segment?

select segment_name, sum(qty)as total_qty,round(sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)),2) as total_revenue,
round(sum(discount*qty*s.price/100.0),2) as total_disc
from sales s join product_details pd
on s.prod_id=pd.product_id
group by segment_name

3. What is the top selling product for each segment?

;with tab as
(select segment_name, product_name, sum(qty) as total_qty,
rank() over(partition by segment_name order by sum(qty) desc) as rk
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
group by segment_name,product_name
select segment_name,product_name,total_qty
from tab where rk=1

4. What is the total quantity, revenue and discount for each category?

select category_name,sum(qty) as total_qty,
round(sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)),2) as total_revenue,
round(sum(discount*qty*s.price/100.0),2)as total_dis
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
group by category_name

5. What is the top selling product for each category?

with cat_tab as(
select category_name, product_name,sum(qty) as total_qty,rank()over(partition by category_name order by sum(qty) desc) as rk
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
group by category_name,product_name
select category_name, product_name, total_qty
from cat_tab
where rk=1

6. What is the percentage split of revenue by product for each segment?

;with prods as (
select segment_name,product_name,sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)) as rev_prod
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
group by segment_name,product_name
select segment_name,product_name,round(rev_prod*100.0/ (select sum((qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01)) from sales),2) as rev_prcnt
from prods
order by 1,3

7. What is the percentage split of revenue by segment for each category?

;with seg as 
(select category_name, segment_name,sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)) as rev_seg
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
group by category_name,segment_name
select category_name,segment_name, round(rev_seg*100.0/ (select sum((qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01)) from sales),2) as rev_seg_prcnt
from seg
order by 1,3

8. What is the percentage split of total revenue by category?

select category_name,
round(sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)) *100.0/ (select sum((qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01)) from sales),2)
as rev_cat_prcnt
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
group by category_name

9. What is the total transaction “penetration” for each product? (hint: penetration = number of transactions where at least 1 quantity of a product was purchased divided by total number of transactions)

select product_name, 
count(distinct txn_id)*100.0/(select count(distinct txn_id) from sales )
as penetration
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
where qty>=1
group by product_name
order by 2 desc

10. What is the most common combination of at least 1 quantity of any 3 products in a 1 single transaction?

with base as (
select s.txn_id,s.prod_id,product_name
from sales s
join product_details pd on s.prod_id = pd.product_id
select top 1 a.product_name, b.product_name, c.product_name , count(*) as combination_count
from base a inner join base b
on a.txn_id = b.txn_id
inner join base c
on b.txn_id = c.txn_id
where a.prod_id < b.prod_id and b.prod_id < c.prod_id
group by a.product_name, b.product_name, c.product_name
order by 4 desc

Reporting Challenge

Write a single SQL script that combines all of the previous questions into a scheduled report that the Balanced Tree team can run at the beginning of each month to calculate the previous month’s values.

Imagine that the Chief Financial Officer (which is also Danny) has asked for all of these questions at the end of every month.

He first wants you to generate the data for January only — but then he also wants you to demonstrate that you can easily run the samne analysis for February without many changes (if at all).

sum(qty) as sold,sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)) as Total_Revenues,
round(sum((discount*(qty*s.price)/100.0)),2) as Total_Discount,
round(sum((qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01)) *100.0/ (select sum((qty*price)*(1-discount*0.01)) from sales),2) as revenue_prcnt,
count(distinct txn_id)*100.0/(select count(distinct txn_id) from sales ) as penetration,
sum(case when member='t' then 1 else 0 end)*100.0/count(*) as member_transaction,
sum(case when member='f' then 1 else 0 end)*100.0/count(*) as non_member_transaction,
avg(case when member='t' then (qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01) end) as avg_revenue_member,
avg(case when member='f' then (qty*s.price)*(1-discount*0.01) end) as avg_revenue_non_member
from sales s join product_details p
on s.prod_id=p.product_id
where datename(month,start_txn_time)='January'
group by category_name,segment_name,s.prod_id,p.product_name
order by 1,2,6 desc

Bonus Challenge

Use a single SQL query to transform the product_hierarchy and product_prices datasets to the product_details table.

with cat as(
select id as cat_id, level_text as category
from product_hierarchy
where level_name='Category'
seg as (
select parent_id as cat_id,id as seg_id, level_text as Segment
from product_hierarchy
where level_name='Segment'
style as (
select parent_id as seg_id,id as style_id, level_text as Style
from product_hierarchy
where level_name='Style'),
prod_final as(
select c.cat_id as category_id,category as category_name,s.seg_id as segment_id,segment as segment_name,style_id,style as style_name
from cat c join seg s
on c.cat_id=s.cat_id
join style st on s.seg_id=st.seg_id
select product_id, price ,
concat(style_name,' ',segment_name,' - ',category_name) as product_name,
category_id,segment_id,style_id,category_name,segment_name,style_name from prod_final pf join product_prices pp
on pf.style_id=pp.id

Please, let me know if there are any mistakes or if you know a better solution in the comments.

Let’s keep learning!!

