Rizky Shandyka
6 min readJan 17, 2018

A face recognition system could be a pc application capable of distinguishing or confirming an individual from a digital image or a video frame from a video supply. one in every of the ways that to try and do this is often by scrutiny elect facial expression from the image and a face information.

It is usually employed in security systems and may be compared to different life science like fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. Recently, it’s conjointly become widespread as an ad identification and promoting tool.

Techniques for face acquisition
Some face recognition algorithms establish facial expression by extracting landmarks, or options, from a picture of the subject’s face. as an example, associate degree rule might analyze the relative position, size, and/or form of the eyes, nose, cheekbones, and jaw. These options ar then accustomed look for different pictures with matching options. different algorithms normalize a gallery of face pictures then compress the face information, solely saving the info within the image that’s helpful for face recognition. an exploration image is then compared with the face information. one in every of the earliest winning systems relies on templet matching techniques applied to a group of salient facial expression, providing a kind of compressed face illustration.

Recognition algorithms are often divided into 2 main approaches, geometric, that appearance at characteristic options, or measure, that could be a applied mathematics approach that distills a picture into values and compares the values with templates to eliminate variances.

Popular recognition algorithms embrace principal element analysis victimisation eigenfaces, linear discriminant analysis, elastic bunch graph matching victimisation the Fisherface rule, the hidden Andrei Markov model, the multilinear topological space learning victimisation tensor illustration, and therefore the vegetative cell actuated dynamic link matching.
3-dimensional recognition

Three-dimensional face recognition technique uses 3D sensors to capture info concerning the form of a face. This info is then accustomed establish distinctive options on the surface of a face, like the contour of the attention sockets, nose, and chin.

One advantage of 3D face recognition is that it’s not suffering from changes in lighting like different techniques. It may also establish a face from a spread of viewing angles, as well as a profile read. Three-dimensional information points from a face immensely improve the exactness of face recognition. 3D analysis is increased by the event of subtle sensors that do a far better job of capturing 3D face mental imagery. The sensors work by jutting structured light-weight onto the face. Up to a dozen or additional of those image devices are often placed on a similar CMOS chip — each sensor captures a distinct a part of the spectrum….

Even an ideal 3D matching technique may be sensitive to expressions. For that goal a bunch at the Technion applied tools from metric pure mathematics to treat expressions as isometries

A new methodology is to introduce how to capture a 3D image by victimisation 3 trailing cameras that time at totally different angles; one camera are going to be inform at the front of the topic, other to the facet, associate degreed third one at an angle. of these cameras can work along thus it will track a subject’s face in real time and be ready to face sight and acknowledge.
Skin texture analysis

Another rising trend uses the visual details of the skin, as captured in commonplace digital or scanned pictures. this method, known as skin texture analysis, turns the distinctive lines, patterns, and spots apparent during a person’s skin into a set.

Tests have shown that with the addition of skin texture analysis, performance in recognizing faces will increase twenty to twenty five %.
Thermal cameras

A different variety of taking computer file for face recognition is by victimisation thermal cameras, by this procedure the cameras can solely sight the form of the pinnacle and it’ll ignore the topic accessories like glasses, hats, or make up. a retardant with victimisation thermal photos for face recognition is that the databases for face recognition is restricted. Diego Socolinsky, and Andrea Selinger (2004) analysis the utilization of thermal face recognition in world, and operation sceneries, and at a similar time build a brand new information of thermal face pictures. The analysis uses low-sensitive, low-resolution ferro-electric electrics sensors that ar capable of acquire radio emission thermal infrared (LWIR). The results show that a fusion of LWIR and regular visual cameras has the larger leads to out of doors probes. Indoor results show that visual incorporates a ninety seven.05% accuracy, whereas LWIR has ninety three.93%, and therefore the Fusion has ninety eight.40%, but on the out of doors proves visual has sixty seven.06%, LWIR 83.03%, and fusion has eighty nine.02%. The study used 240 subjects over the amount of ten weeks to form the new information. the info was collected on sunny, rainy, and cloudy days.

a new platform engineered to create it easier to spot the face of automotive device users. directly as a platform which will solve identity issues on blockchain.

The Biometrids Platform lets folks establish themselves with others victimisation face recognition put in on their phones. employing a distributed ledger that doesn’t modification, everybody within the chain is exclusive. One face means that one ID, and every ID is exclusive. If you’re recorded in this chain once, you may ne’er be ready to manipulate that ID once more or copy that ID. this can forestall fraud and fraud, and can conjointly guarantee users ar those they are saying.


Token Sale
Name of the token are going to be IDS.

There will be a complete of 100.000.000 IDS.

5% are going to be oversubscribed in pre-ICO.
5% are going to be for bounties and advisors.
70% are going to be oversubscribed doing the crowdsale.
10% are going to be for team.
10% are going to be for foundation.
Pre-ICO can endure one week and therefore the value are going to be 910 IDS/1eth. The crowdsale can endure four weeks and costs can be:

Week 1: 665 IDS/1eth
Week 2: 550 IDS/1eth
Week 3: 500 IDS/1eth
Week 4: 450 IDS/1eth
Pre-Ico and crowdsale can run till finish date, or till all coins ar oversubscribed.

The 100% for team and therefore the 10% for foundation are going to be latched up for 3 years.

Every unsold coin throughout the ICO are going to be latched for 5 years. when 5 years, they’re going to be oversubscribed back to early investors during a non-public fundraising campaign. they’re going to not be oversubscribed on exchanges.




BitcoinTalk Profile : Shandness

ETH Wallet : 0x7E49950034Fc6DB47fBd1237EC9B155d8DCE8802

