How To Bulletproof Your Tesla

4 min readJan 7, 2020

By now, everybody (and their mom) has about Tesla’s new bulletproof cat called the Tesla Cybertruck. However, if you have been living under a rock and have no clue as to what a Cybertruck is, then you can catch up here, here, here, here, here, and…you get the idea. The most memorable aspect of the Tesla Cybertruck unveiling was its bulletproof capabilities effectively demonstrated by Franz taking a sledgehammer to the doors. Another aspect of the Tesla Cybertruck’s bulletproof feature was the “Unbreakable Windows” which actually broke twice during the live demonstration and became a meme to this day, living forever of T-Shirts, mugs, etc.

What About Us?

I’m extremely optimistic at the prospect of a mass-market bulletproof vehicle. The applications are immense, from the military to police forces to pretty much anyone living in unsafe/war-torn regions in Africa and South America, the Tesla Cybertruck is sure to have an abundance of interest around the globe. But what about us current Tesla vehicle owners? How come we didn’t get a bulletproof car? How can we get our bulletproof game up? So not wanting to feel left out, I decided to take matters into my own hands and make my Tesla Model X bulletproof…or rather, ‘Bulletproof-ish’. I created a bulletproof vest that is designed to be concealed until needed and I’m calling it the Concealed Protect Vest.

Concealed Protection.

The Concealed Protect Vest does two very unique and interesting things. The first is that it is designed to compress and fold flat for storage. The second is that it can easily be attached to any flat surface like a wall, the underside of a table or desk, or in this case, the backside of the front passenger seat in my Tesla Model X. That makes my Tesla Model X in essence a bulletproof car…if you happen to be sitting behind the front passenger seat. As a matter of fact, the Concealed Protect Vest can turn any Tesla, (or any car) into a bulletproof car. All you need to do in order to be protected during a shooting is to reach for your Concealed Protect Vest and put it on. The Concealed Protect Vest can be put on in under 6 seconds as I demonstrate in the video below.

Thinking Of Buying A Tesla?

PS: if you like this post and you are in the market for a new Tesla, Tesla has an amazing referral program that offers you 1000 free supercharging miles if you use a referral code when you make your purchase. As a two-time Tesla owner, having owned a Model S and Model X, I can assure you that purchasing a Tesla will be the best automotive decision you’ve ever made and will ever make in your life. So why not make use of my referral code below and we can both continue to enjoy the wonderful Tesla life.

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While you’re eagerly waiting for the Tesla Cybertruck, visit to purchase the futuristic Cyberbackpack that comes with its own power bank!




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