Rizal Muhammad Ramdhan

1 min readFeb 7, 2024


Hello, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My full name is Rizal Muhammad Ramdhan. Currently, I live in Bandung, West Java. I am a new student of Master of Nano Technology this semester. Previously I studied at Pasundan University in the food technology study program.

The reason I took this course was because I needed knowledge of writing journals. I want to learn more about writing a good journal and I want to develop my journal writing skills to create a credible journal. I really need this knowledge for publication purposes as a requirement for graduating from the master’s program.

My planned topic is related to nano food technology, as it is related to my previous expertise. However, I have not yet determined the specific food commodities that will be researched, because the combination of food and nano technology is a new concept.

My topic for (future or current) thesis is nano food technology, whether it is related to functional properties, improvement of barrier, mechanical properties, and bioavailability.

And then tentative journal when I want to submit my draft of publication in Elsevier Journal, indexed Scopus category Q1.

