How a Law Student Trying to become a Digital Marketer

3 min readJan 13, 2024


This is not me, I just think it’s funny
Photo by Juan Rumimpunu on Unsplash

So, this is the most common question when I got an Interview from HR or User. I will try to explain the answer here.

By the way, I’m sorry if my English is so bad or misused words.

It started on my third semester; I saw many opportunities through my journey in college.

Especially as a law student, sometimes it is hard to win the competition without networking and money.

Because my teacher always told me that the most important thing to have as a law student is networking.

And that situation makes me think

“What Happen if I don’t have any networking? What happen if I lose the competition?”

You know, law students have strict careers. Which means, it’s so hard to switch careers because the knowledge is not flexible.

Like, Law students can become lawyers, judges, or prosecutors. A legal officer is not a career as a law student, because the minimum requirement sometimes is High School Diploma.

That’s so strict, and in Indonesia, the competition of unemployment is so high.

In 2024, the prediction is seven million will become unemployed. It’s even not including the lay-off every month or something.

That’s why my anxiety said, “hey let’s learn a new skill, and let’s see where it goes”.

The goal is clear, If I can’t become someone that works in this field, I will switch my career.

Because of that, in Covid-19 situation, I can’t go to university, everything is online, from zoom meeting with my teacher and the worst I just reading power point given from my teacher.

Basically, it’s the worst thing I can get as a law student.

Especially, I’m in night class.

How can I get any networking with that?

So, as my mother said

Don’t be narrow-minded

I started my journey by trying everything I could. I try becoming streamers, designer, ilustrator, video editor and many more.

Hear me out, all of it can’t be achieved well because my laptop is not friendly enough to run the application.

My laptop was like BURNING

Tell me with this picture, How frustrating I am?
Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

It’s so frustrating, I can’t learn anything with this laptop.

Again, remembering my mother said

Don’t be narrow-minded

I found out the easiest thing to learn with this laptop


Yes, I learn writing first using blogger. It was so bad that I don’t want to remember it.

From that point, I learned the first of Digital Marketing strategy.


This is Google Search Console
Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

Yes, that’s when I know there are some skills that we can learn without a degree.

And, like I said before. The goal is to prepare for switching careers.

I can do that, my first intern is becoming copywriter, understanding it and experimenting.

Second Intern becoming SEO Content Writer and write for a blog. Which is my expertise.

And, here I’m now, started learning about SEO in 2020 and continues until I learn about Digital Marketing.

It’s the right decision for me, looking at the situation in the law area right now.

I still aim to become a master at these skills, becoming the best in my field and in the future. I want to have my own business.

By the way, I’m still open to work in the law field. So, it’s just ready for any situation.

