UX Case Study: Krealogi Apps — Cash Flow Feature

Rizki Tulus Subagyo
5 min readOct 24, 2021


Krealogi Logo

This project is part of the UI/UX Training Program held by the Ministry of Communication and Information with Skilvul and Krealogi as Challenge Partners. I am not employed or bound by a professional contract by Krealogi.


Krealogi is an application to help record operational activities and make strategic plans. From the experience of running craft UMKM since 2015, Du Anyam really understands the constraints of UMKM in order management, production, inventory to delivery.

However, Krealogi’s current problem is that they don’t have a user-friendly application design for their target users. Currently Krealogi requires an application design that is user friendly and of course can help Krealogi users to record their operational activities, create strategies and maintain their operational flow.

Currently the Krealogi application has several features that are already available and features that will be available later:

  • Production Planning and Monitoring
  • Sales recording
  • Expense report
  • Inventory management
  • Simple CRM (Not yet designed and not yet available)
  • Cash Flow Feature (Not yet designed and not yet available)
  • Integration with Logistic and Marketplace (Not yet designed and not yet available)


  • Finding out user needs in recording cash flow
  • Finding out user habits in recording cash flow
  • Find out the level of usability, convenience, and satisfaction of the idea solutions offered in the Registration, Recording, and Cash Information process flow

Team Roles

As a UI/UX Designer collaborating with 2 team members, Haka Rosyidan Elbas and Rahmat Yudhilmi, my responsibilities in this team are:

  • Doing the design process
  • Creating wireframes
  • Create a design system
  • Creating interface designs
  • Making prototypes
  • User research

Design Process

The Design Process is a design iteration process to improve usability and optimize interface design.

In this case, we choose to use Design Thinking as our design process approach. Design Thinking helps us in the process of asking questions, such as the problem, the assumptions, and asking for the impact. Design Thinking is very useful in solving very complex or unknown problems, by rearranging the problem from a human point of view, generating lots of ideas in brainstorming sessions, and adopting a hands-on approach to initial design creation and testing.

Here are the Design Thinking stages that we do:

Design Thinking Flow

A. Empathize

As a UI/UX Designer, we try to find out the views and needs of the target user by doing research before defining the problem statement and doing ideation.

Target User:

  • Gender: Unspecified
  • Age: All ages
  • Profession: Small, micro, ultra micro business owner
  • Geographic Range: Not Specific

B. Define

We discussed to analyze some of the pain points that appear. Here are the pain points:

Pain Points

After defining the pain points, we group them in an affinity diagram.

Affinity Diagram

Next, we organize How-Might We based on the pain points that have been grouped.

How-Might We

C. Ideate

In this stage, we begin brainstorming ideas based on How-Might We. Here is an solution idea from us:

Solution Idea

Here are the results of our prioritization ideas:

  • Do Later
Do Later
  • Yes, Do It Now
Yes, Do It Now
  • Do Next
Do Next

Then we create a wireframe with Crazy 8’s based on the solution idea with the most votes.

Crazy 8's

We also create user flows to describe the tasks that the user must perform.

User Flow

D. Prototyping

At this stage, I created a high-fidelity interface from the results of the wireframe and user flow that we created.

UI Design

E. Testing

After completing the prototype, the last step is User Testing. We use:

  • User Task Analysis — A method to observe user behavior by interviewing them and recording the actions they take to complete a certain task or flow within our app.
  • Single Ease Questions — A popular UX metric, a 7-point rating scale to assess how easy it is for users to complete tasks.

In this case, we have respondents with the following criteria:

  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 22yo
  • Profession: Convection entrepreneur
  • Live in: Lamongan

In conducting User Testing, we asked the respondents several questions to understand their background and motivation using the Cash Flow feature.

Responen Background Questions
Task 1 with SEQ result
Task 2 with SEQ result
Task 3 with SEQ result
Task 4 with SEQ result


From the results of user testing that has been carried out, there is feedback from respondents on the prototype being tried, that is:

  • Initial display directly login menu
  • The income recording menu is difficult to find/access
  • The transition from income record to disbursement record needs to be improved
  • Display financial chart per month

The feedback made us realize that the results of our design solution for the cash flow feature were not perfect. Therefore, in the future we need to improve so that the user experience in using this application is more comfortable.

Next Recommendation

Improve or add features to the idea solution based on feedback from respondents to improve the ease of using this application, especially the cash flow feature.

Thanks for reading my first UX Case Study. See you in my other UX Case Study :)

