Stuck in a rut? Get lost!

Rizwan Javaid
2 min readOct 1, 2018


Photo by Brevitē at Unsplash

Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. — Henry David Thoreau

Feeling like you’re at a loss of ideas and stuck in a rut? Need to get back the feeling of excitement you know should be there but is missing? Need to shake things up a bit to get back to your badass self?

Then get lost!

Yes, you heard that right. Get out of the place you normally do your work. Get out of your office. Get away from your desk and go somewhere new. Someplace you have never been. Go work in a new coffee shop instead of your favorite one. Go to a park you have never been to. Go to a part of the city you’ve thought of going but never have. Get out of your comfort zone. While you’re at it get lost and I mean that sincerely. Just get lost.

When was the last time you took a wrong turn down a street you’ve never been on? How did it feel being on a street for the first time? What were the thoughts going through your mind? How did your senses react to this new environment? I’ve taken many wrong turns in my life that I regret but that’s a topic for another discussion. Whenever I take a wrong turn I always notice things that surprise me and get me out of my current thought pattern. I may notice a different type of tree, the architecture of the houses on that street, even the sounds I hear wake up my senses and make me feel awake and renew my curiosity.

Try this next time you’re feeling stuck in a rut take a new route to work. Take in the sights, the sounds, the people. Really notice things that are different and that catch your eye.

Keep getting lost until you are back in attack and have found your mojo. You got this!

What are some techniques you use to get out of a rut? Share your tips in the comments.

Till next time, stay strong! 💪🏼



Rizwan Javaid

Helping creatives build a mindset of resilience, care, and confidence. I publish the Low Fidelity newsletter and podcast to help you achieve your true potential