Is the world’s longest river about to lose its title?

Rizwan Madni
4 min readOct 5, 2023


Looking at the scientific progress of the present era, it can be assumed that we would have known a lot about our world or at least measured it.

The Amazon is currently considered to be the second longest river in the world / Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

But till now the final answer to the question of which is the longest river in the world in terms of length has not been known.

Yes, even in 2023, scientists are trying to find the answer to this question.

By the way, the Nile River is currently considered to be the longest river in the world in terms of length and its name is listed in the Guinness World Records.

But a team of scientists is embarking on a mission to measure the Amazon River to finally answer the debate about which river is the largest.

According to the research team, the blue was hidden in the insect while the Amazon was hidden in the yanaconda.

It should be noted that the Amazon River is the largest river in the world in terms of volume and the second largest river in terms of length.

7 thousand km long campaign

The expedition will start in April 2024 and will last for 5 months, during which scientists will travel to each part of the Amazon River and try to prove through modern river mapping satellite technology that along with the volume, it is the length. It is also the largest river in the world.

It should be noted that the water flowing in the Amazon is the result of a great river system that stretches across North and South America.

Mantaro River in Peru

It is now believed that this river stretches for 4 thousand miles, but there is still a dispute about where this river begins.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica and other sources, the river originates from the Apurimac River in southern Peru.

But 51-year-old American adventurer James Contos claims that the source of the Amazon is the Mantaro River, located in northern Peru.

They used maps, satellite images, and GPS measurements to confirm this and a study was published in 2014.

According to him, this discovery increased the length of the Amazon by 77 kilometers.

According to the research team, the new campaign will also take into account the research of James Kontos, but our aim is to bring the Amazon rainforest region to the world.

The scientists will travel thousands of miles, crossing the Amazon River in Peru, Colombia, and Brazil.

During this expedition, solar-powered boats will be used and scientists from all over the world will be a part of it.

But this expedition is not easy because during this journey the boats may be damaged while the wild animals may also pose a danger to the scientists.

But at the same time, the risk of human intervention is greatest, which is why scientists everywhere will seek security from local authorities.

Whatever the outcome of this expedition, the team will also measure the Nile River in the next phase.

The Nile is now believed to be 4,132 miles long, 132 miles longer than the Amazon.

There is also debate about the source of this river, which flows through North West Africa and falls into the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt, and more than one African country claims that the river originates on their territory.

A view of the Nile River

According to scientists, if our first campaign is successful, then we will plan the next one.

After the completion of the Nile River campaign, a documentary film in this regard can also be released in 2024.

“Regardless of whether the Amazon takes the record from the Nile or not, we’re just looking for knowledge and we want to show the world what this river really is,” he said.

Well, most people do not know an interesting fact about the Amazon River.

There is not a single crossing bridge on this river which spans thousands of miles, whereas there are 9 bridges on the Nile River in Cairo alone.



Rizwan Madni

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