What to do when you have a job, kids but still want to start a hustle?

Rizwan Sayani
3 min readNov 18, 2023


You get up as early as you can.

We all have dreams, goals and aspirations in life. Some are visible to the public, such as being a celebrity or doing something you love. For me, it’s providing for my family and creating streams of passive income online.

One thing I learned from reading lots of articles on medium.com and other sites is that these people were in their 20s and had a crap ton of time on their hands. The parents that had side hustles seemed to also have it so together with scheduling and working during nap time that I kept thinking to myself, how will I ever get that time.

Here’s a routine that I started to implement that I hope can help the aspiring busy entrepreneur so they can finally start that hustle and make some extra money for the family.

  1. Go to bed early. It was a Friday night and I just got the kids to bed at 8:30. Within 30 minutes I was in bed myself and lights out by 9:00pm. Talk about a fun Friday night.
  2. Wake up at an unearthly hour and get to work. I think I woke up at 1:30, 3:00am and finally 4:15am. At 4:15am, I jumped out of bed with excitement to work on my business. I had been having this idea for the article last night, but just couldn’t even get a minute of silence to think.
  3. Thank God for the day and pray. Even if you’re not a believer, just sit and meditate for a few minutes and reflect on everything you have and every opportunity you have available to you. Because somebody, out there, wishes they were in your shoes.
  4. Plan your day before as to what you’re going to write. This really helps me and my mind stick to the task at hand. Otherwise, I would be jumping around on different sites trying to stick something together.
  5. Focus on one task and finish it, and then move on.
  6. Work out. I can’t stress this enough. Sometimes we just want to dive in and work and I myself do that, but if we actually exercise and move our bodies first, we will actually do better at our work. So even if you start working on your business, throw in a few push-ups or squats here and there and then set yourself a set workout time.
  7. Always know that it’s not going to happen overnight. The article may get written, the image may get created, but results don’t happen overnight. That doesn’t mean though that you can’t push through and produce something tangible and creative. The mission with this routine is to push out a product or a post every 2 to 3 days.
  8. Don’t spend too much time on 1 task. Don’t let it take you 1 to 2 weeks when it could have actually been done in 2 days. Plan, Execute, Move on to the next mission.
  9. Follow my blog at www.Isupportyousucceed.com where I create and post different ways to make money online, find the best items to consume resources in a short time frame and show you how to have fun with life.



Rizwan Sayani

Digital marketer, dad, entrepreneur. Download my free guide to get started in digital marketing quickly and effortlessly https://unique-experimenter-3283.ck.pag