What is Gish?

Rachel Jean
2 min readAug 8, 2020


About three weeks ago, a friend asked me to Gish with her. Some type of scavenger hunt, she said. What can I say? It seemed like a good idea at the time. I didn’t know what Supernatural rabbit hole I’d be plundering down. I didn’t know that I would be tie-dying a cat or using eyelash glue to stick hair extensions into my 12-year old’s nose and ears.

I didn’t know I would convince my mother to pose, shoulders bare, wearing a velvet blanket and angel wings in Anne Geddes’ fashion. When it took over 4 hours to build an underwater campground, it did seem like unreasonable pain and suffering.

Then again, I didn’t know I’d be filling bags with supplies for those in need. I had no plans to write a song of hope or download an app to help the blind. I didn’t know I’d have to rely on outside the box thinking. And honestly, I had forgotten I knew how to laugh as hard as I have these past 8 days.

So, what is Gish? Is it a crazy quest? Is it filled with Misha fans? Is it meant for the bored or the crazy? Is it promoting kindness or the love of the absurd? What is it? My answer? Yes. It is all of the things and more. These days, hopefulness and positivity seem rare. Micha Collins and Camp Gish have provided a glimmer of a rainbow, to allow people to see their own humanity and that of others. It is an excuse to see past yourself and get to know others in new, creative ways. It is a reason to think deeply about why kindness is, still, everything. So, if anyone ever asks you “Wanna Gish with me?”, do yourself a favor. Say yes.

#Gish2020 #lightemittingdragons

