Ambition vs Passion: What matters more in a Career?

3 min readJul 8, 2023


How Ambition and Passion impact happiness (purely my experience)

Ambition or Passion — what keeps you going? Do you need to be passionate about your job? The debate is evergreen, and honestly, there is no mutually exclusive option! In the 9th edition of “Let’s Talk!” — we deal with something important, something that often comes up during discussions at parties, graduation ceremonies, and often on social media and it goes like this — “Follow your passion..and you don’t have to work a day in your life”.

Unfortunately, that statement is used a little out of context and often in retrospect — which is not something a 25-year-old can fathom when they still have about 30+ years of career ahead of them! In fact, it can do just the opposite — it often sends us into a frenzy of not finding a career we’re passionate about or finding ways to remain passionate about a job we don’t care too much for!

And then there’s Ambition

The other dimension, that adds further pressure to our already stressful lives. How much ambition is too much ambition really? And can one forge ahead without passion but just enough ambition? The answer is actually — a simple, plain NO. Because, that would be heavily short-sighted and in retrospect, you will also see that one can’t exist without the other!

It’s important to understand that ambition is often self-serving (“I want to buy that Audi car next year.”) while purpose tied to a passion is often serving others (“I want to set up the best recruiting & onboarding process there can be to ensure candidates have a seamless interviewing experience”).

On to the big question: What matters more for a successful career?

Too much ambition can tip the scales and not in your favour — the whole “fake it till you make it” strategy is once again short-lived and makes you thrive on validation from others while at the same time, too much passion without purpose or ambition can lead you nowhere.

Know that, you don't have to be ambitious and/or passionate about the same things

But, if you take your time — you are sure to find that sweet spot that combines the right amount of ambition, and some purpose-driven passion to give you optimal happiness!

When you are passionate about something, you are bound to be more authentic whereas when you are ambitious about something without your heart in it, you will make very surface-level relationships/decisions as there is not much room for authenticity.

For example, let’s say you are a product manager at a buzzing start-up, if you are passionate about building something from the ground up — then congrats you have hit the sweet spot :)

But, if you are in it for the title, money, or fame (100% acceptable reasons!) — then you need to have another medium or channel to express yourself — maybe you like mentoring budding product managers? Or educate freshers on what product management is all about? Or play your guitar at local cafes — the choice is entirely yours — but the fact remains that to be successful in your career you need to have a good mix of the A and P ingredients!

Another big learning I want to leave you with is — you are not born with an innate interest in certain things, you can easily develop them with time, experience, or exposure! So don’t go thinking passion is some magical black box out of which people draw inspiration, it isn’t. It’s what keeps you going on your darkest of days, it’s what you turn to when you feel like leaving your mark on this world!

What has been your experience? Share your thoughts in the comments below! This article was originally published on my LinkedIn page, you can check it out here.

