Zero Figure- The Existing Evil

Riya Kumari
2 min readSep 29, 2020

At first it might seem absurd to you as it goes against the “zero figure” trend, prevailing in our society. People in our country are greatly influenced by different actors/actresses and hence can easily become blind followers.

We all know that a balanced diet is recommended for people of all age groups but in the present scenario where having “zero figure” is a must for young ladies brings adverse effects to them. I do agree to the fact that it is important to stay fit and healthy. One can practice yoga with other exercises to stay fit and it has become easier to loose weight naturally with a lot of tutorials available on the internet. There are natural ways by which a person can stay healthy and build a strong immune system.

I strongly disapprove of the two things being followed by many young ladies who “aspire” of a zero figure -

  1. Starving in order to loose weight (Which may lead to many diseases).
  2. Poor Diet (Which may weaken the immune system).

I have witnessed some cases where the above practices proved to be a total failure and the concerned person caught some disease. I believe one can easily fight with obesity with a balanced diet and “zero-figure” is not a parameter to measure your fitness.



Riya Kumari

A Tech Enthusiast with a crisp of amazing creativity.