Ramola D: Here’s Why Suzie Dawson is One of Your Biggest Allies

A Few Facts to Set the Record Straight Regarding Our Common Enemy

Susan Sorkin
6 min readNov 6, 2019

Let me begin by stating that I am a big fan of both Suzie Dawson and Ramola D (@EccEveryday) - two activists and journalists who report on the crimes of the Five Eyes spying alliance and other Deep State actors. After reading recent tweets in which Ramola D alleged Suzie Dawson had been “co-opted [by the Deep State]”, I thought I would publish a few facts that identify these ladies as allies against a common enemy. Hopefully they’ve already sorted this out, but if not, the following information may help.

The key information is publicly available (disclosed by Edward Snowden) but has heretofore been largely misunderstood by the public and news media with a few exceptions. In fact, Dawson is one of the foremost experts with regard to these classified documents: one of the reasons she (like Ramola D) is a high-value target of the Five Eyes.

  • Both Suzie Dawson and Ramola D have been targeted with similar subversion tactics including infiltration, false flag and false rescue operations by Five Eyes and their Front Organizations/ Operatives.
  • For example, Dawson’s Wikileaks activist group Unity4J organization has been infiltrated by long-term Five Eyes plants. They have published deeply defamatory allegations about Dawson while claiming their interest is to “protect Julian Assange”. In reality, these articles have falsely attributed the Five Eyes’ sabotage of Dawson to her, e.g. running her out of money/ destroying her financial opportunities, then falsely claiming she is using her association with Assange to enrich herself/ seek donations.
  • In Ramola D’s case, she has reported on the existence of Front Organizations within the Targeted Individual Movement that feign to be support groups, but whose actual intent is to further subvert these victims (e.g. incite them towards violence). If her allegations are accurate, she is describing textbook false rescue operations.
  • In the recent back and forth between her and Dawson over Twitter, Dawson dismissed Ramola D’s reporting on these alleged infiltrators as mere “in fighting”. This annoyed Ramola D and set the stage for an expanding conflict between these two ladies. In reality, this is a misunderstanding.
  • To help look at this from another perspective, earlier this year, Suzie Dawson was outraged with Jesselyn Radack (whistleblower activist), after Radack re-published defamatory allegations about Dawson. Dawson’s anger was because she had identified the source of the negative commentary as a Five Eyes’ infiltrator to the Unity4J movement. Well, Ramola D was essentially reporting on the same types of situations, and Dawson, in effect, played the role of Radack by calling it “in fighting”.
  • I believe this “crossing of the wires”, combined with other factors, led Ramola D to conclude Dawson had been co-opted.


  • There are 8 key tactics the Five Eyes employ in their subversion campaigns versus Targeted Individuals that act as major smoking guns: 1) Intimidation, 2) Provocation/ Entrapment, 3) Protraction (long term campaigns), 4) Exhaustion (emotional, financial, physical, spiritual, psychological), 5) use of Counter Warfare, 6) use of Influence Operations (also called ‘Street Theater Skits’), 7) use of Sophisticated Smear/ Slander Campaigns, 8) Forced Isolation of Targeted Individuals.
  • These tactics identify the Five Eyes’ Targeted Individual Program as being an Unconventional Warfare and Counterinsurgency program. Why is this significant? It means the Five Eyes and Department of Justice have been penetrated and hijacked by non-state actors. It means the Deep State is an insurgent movement- not a few corrupt officials, i.e. the concealed motive behind the Five Eyes’ secret war versus Targeted Individuals and Organizations.
  • For example, the book ‘Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice’ exposes the use of Counterinsurgency Influence Operations to rig criminal cases and conceal the diversion of assets and power to the Deep State. Similarly, the documentary ‘Dark Money’ exposes the penetration and hijacking of political and judicial positions by the Deep State.
  • The Five Eyes are executing a global subversion campaign in which Ramola D, Dawson and Assange are some of the millions of individuals targeted for subversion by the Deep State.


Table of Contents- CIA’s Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare
  • These crimes are being executed and concealed with an economic adaptation to Unconventional Warfare and Counterinsurgency designed to be impossible to prove or escape. “Gang stalking”, “security service stalking”, “no touch torture” programs and “electronic harassment” are all variations of this form of warfare.
  • As the Five Eyes’ slide from the Snowden Archive below identifies, this form of warfare includes Information Operations. Information Operations are comprised of 1) Military Deception (MILDEC), 2) Operational Security (OPSEC), 3) Computer Network Operations (CNO), Electronic Warfare (EW) and 5) Psychological Operations (PSYOP).
  • Thus, the reality is that Assange, Dawson and Ramola D are all being targeted by the same Deep State groups with variations of this same form of warfare. A main differentiator is that victims of electronic weapons- like Ramola D- are being subverted with more severe forms of Electronic Warfare. (This supports Ramola D’s assertion that Assange’s case is interconnected to the Five Eyes’ global campaign vs. all Targeted Individuals.)


The identification of the Targeted Individual Program as a form of Unconventional Warfare and Counterinsurgency is the key that can identify the perpetrators of these crimes. This simple but world changing revelation needs to be reported on.

Since Dawson’s documentary ‘Diary of a Person of Interest’ accurately exposes these crimes, there is no way that she has been willingly or knowingly “co-opted” by the Deep State. Quite the contrary, they are determined to destroy her before she learns the truth. And the same can be said for Ramola D, who has reported on this same global-level Unconventional Warfare campaign in an excellent series called the ‘Global Gestapo’ with Dr. Eric Karlsson.

With her platform as a prominent activist, Suzie Dawson is well-positioned to expose these Five Eyes crimes. As such, she is definitely one of Ramola D’s biggest allies.

However, Ramola D has built a loyal audience of her own. And by simply identifying gang stalking as a form of Unconventional Warfare, she would have an avalanche of evidence to prove her major allegations. For example, Ramola D has reported on the existence of Front Organizations in the T.I. Movement that are carrying out “Mass Concentrations and Meetings”: these are textbook operations that come right out of the CIA’s own documents!

Hopefully, if they both take an hour to read the ‘CIA’s Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare’, they’ll realize they’ve both been reporting on different aspects of the same campaign: a secret global-level Unconventional War being perpetrated against the human race by the Military-Industrial Complex, central banks and other dark money private interests; where our intelligence agencies and justice departments have been converted into their Front Organizations; and their fusion centers are being used to identify assets to divert, weaknesses to exploit and populations to subvert.

The world needs Ramola D, Suzie Dawson and the Targeted Individual Movement to identify this Unconventional Warfare campaign for what it is. Therein lies the keys to salvation for us all.



Susan Sorkin

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