11 Ways to Make Your Home More Comfortable During Quarantine

What can be done to wait out the epidemic in pleasant conditions?

Konstantin Kalushniy
6 min readMar 25, 2020
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

1. Arrange a workplace

If you were transferred to a remote place, and there is no workplace at home, it is difficult to concentrate: the mood is not the same, and your back aches from the whole day on the couch.

The minimum set for a home office is a desk, a work chair, and a table lamp. Choose a bright place in the apartment, but not directly opposite the window so that the sun’s rays do not illuminate the screen. Well, if there is a power outlet nearby to charge your laptop and phone. If not, take care of the extension cord.

To make the workplace comfortable, complete it with accessories: a corkboard, an organizer for papers, and a pencil box. A small plant — succulent or cactus — will add vitality.

If you do not want to buy a table and an office chair, take advantage of what is already there. Place the lamp on the dining table and bring a sofa cushion from the living room to make the kitchen chair more comfortable. If you have a deep and not too high window sill, you can use it as a table. Buy a laptop stand to work on your sofa or bed. And instead of a pencil box, take a glass or cup — they will cope no worse.



Konstantin Kalushniy

Hello, I am a writer with a lot of experience Studying the World. Psychology. Tech. People. Life. Science. Philosophy.