AI Product Design with Product Examples

RJ Valeo
3 min readDec 11, 2022


This wasn’t supposed to happen tonight, but it did. I started out making trading cards and ended up with an action figure in a plastic box, all from Stable Diffusion, and all in a matter of hours.

Here is how it happened.

I finished up writing my other article, the one with all the pics in it from movie remixes, and I got to thinking about what else could be made. The thinking hat when on and a Trading Card line was thought up.

The Sirus Collectable Cards

Stylized images and gibberish text, these ‘cards’ came out simply fantastic. It is always gibberish.

Now, of course, none of the text is legible. It never is with any AI work, and if the text is nice someone did some edits. Here are a few more of the cards, straight out of the ole compy.

And yes, you are seeing it correctly. Those ARE lamination overprints, and curved corners. All 100% out of the ole SD.

The next step is to take these, strip out the text (again, using AI, none of this has had any touch-up) and add in the correct copy. It’s 2:45 am otherwise I’d brew a pot and get at it, but I’m tired and still haven’t posted the GOOD stuff.

So, yeah.

The title is all about action figures, so let’s get at it. Here they are, not a retouch around. I was shocked when these materialized. I whooped and hooted and laughed!

AI-Generated Action Figured for the SIRUS Venus Mars Universe.

These are all straight out of Stable Diffusion. I said I wanted some new action figures, added some details, and ran batches for 2 hours. It was well worth it. Out of the thousand+ generated images, these are the ones that meet the benchmark for intent.
Smooth plastic and star system backgrounds. All part of the prompt.
Action figure, ON CARD. Took a while, but eventually got it.

Those are the action figures, hope they made you smile and you learned a little something about what this SD can do. If you would like to learn more specifics let me know and I’ll add a tutorial.



RJ Valeo

🐱‍👤AI/Augmented Futurist Whisperer, Artist, Musician, Producer and Coach - Always out in front🐱‍👤