5 min readNov 17, 2021


"Yeahhh! Finally I’m into my college life!"..." I can party myself!"...
"No more boring lectures!"... "I’m not a kid anymore!"...
" No more restrictions!"...."My life, my rules!"...." No exams!"...
"Sneak out during late night!".... " Bunk classes!"...
"No worries, only bindaazzz life! "

So this is what you’re thinking, Right? Obviously yes! Who don’t like college life? Everyone cherish it, and as a fresher, trust me your imagination is upto infinity! Fine, I won’t blame you rather I’d like to leave you with the things that in retrospect, I think are important as you’re navigating into your imminent years.
First and foremost thing, Don’t imagine much about your college as they showcase in movies like having party out there, bunking classes and many more.Listen, reality is something different, and expectations hurts. So don’t!

Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. So be ambitious!
Be a Farmer and Barber! Yes, you read it right! Be a farmer and barber! Why? A farmer is well known for hard work. A barber is the one who beautify others. So, Work like a farmer and earn success, and work like a Barber to beautify your life as well as others!
Make mistakes...Yes, you heard it right. Damn right. Mistakes makes you to learn more and no one is perfect! So learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them.
Embrace the differences between you and your classmates. Always ask yourself, “what can I learn from this person?” Most of you don’t know the fact that you get to learn from others too!
Yes, It’s important to think about your future, but it’s more important to be present now! So just enjoy the moment!
It is not about "How much better my professors, college, system, institution could be!" It is about "What are you doing to make the best out of them?" Care more about your life, not their’s!
Get comfortable with uncomfortable! Don’t stay fixated on doing things that you’re comfortable with. Make sure to try something new.
Don’t go after any misconception rumours inside the institute like "You don’t have to attend those professor’s classes", "Why hankering after CGPA, Mr. XYZ got 14 lpa package in spite of having 5.9 CGPA" etc… stories. Trust me it’s just a waste of time!
Everybody knows "What I study is not what’s important in real life" but do you know what it is? Find it out. BE CURIOUS!
On the flip side, don’t try to do everything. "Balance = well-being. "
Expand your horizons!
Explore the campus thoroughly. Don’t get caught!
Enjoy every second of the next three years. It’s impossible to describe how quickly they pass.
Fun/Luxury are limitless, but time to annex that in your share is limited!
There are chances of getting distracted and that’s very common but try not to be carried away .
The most important task; Hold on a perfect timetable for your Academics.
Internships, Technical Projects, External Activities. These play a major role in your resume, none of them are to be neglected!
Health is the most important part! Take care of your health. Have good food and never skip your food!
Make your parents proud. They deserve it. If not now, then when?
Age and time won’t come back so make maximum out of it is to enjoy, learn, move on, stay happy and work smart. Otherwise a pile of regrets is an albatross!
Look, the time has come!! Now, you’ll be forced to become a part of different things, to try out the things you’ve never come across. You can be a victim of peer pressure. Beware!!

Never keep your academics as a second priority, NEVER!
Don’t compare your level of preparation with others. Everyone is unique!
“FRIENDS” Choose them wisely. Have a few close friends with whom you can discuss everything. Don’t be over friendly. That’s just a waste of time!
Stay away from closed rooms. Attend maximum number of orientations of different councils and clubs. Don’t just stick to your mobiles and other stuffs!
Get yourself out of the box! Learning for exams is just “cram and vomit” so it would be better to learn for your future aspects, not for the grades/marks.
You’re living in a college campus with 400 things going on every second, watching TV is pretty much a waste of time. Don’t be a duffer!
Try to have breakfast daily, classes can wait!
Try to call your parents at least twice a day!
Don’t bunk classes just to sleep!
Never tell that you are busy and don’t have time, actually you’re not!
Make sure that you’re evaluating all aspects of your life, the people you’re surrounded with, the books you read, the content you consume, your thought process, your daily habits, and your goals.
Don’t do something just because everyone is doing it. You’re not a copycat! If you’re really interested in something else just go for it!
Try all kinds of funny weird stuffs . This part of your life won’t come back. Only memories can make you smile in future!
Study but don’t be a "padaaku".
Talk to people. Don’t go and sulk in a corner.

Stay in touch, (Don’t let your college life/college friends be the reason to create a gap between you and your family and call it as a "Generation-Gap")
Find your "PASSION". Invest your time in hobbies/interests.
Don’t run for making Boyfriend/Girlfriend. Listen this is not the age, and if you do trust me you’re gonna regret it. Don’t waste your time in these stupid things!
Learn how to manage yourself in hostel - your mom won’t be there to wash your dirty clothes. Learn to organize. A stinky and messed up hostel room is NOT COOL ONE though!
Listen, You’ll never get this freedom again, I repeat never! So, live your fullest and make sure that it doesn’t hamper your studies.

° Make friends not friend circles.
° Read books not PDFs.
° Focus on process not result.
° Attend classes not friend’s room.
° Make notes not camera clicks.
° Make schedules not night plans.
° Read books not memes.
° Stop watching sports, start playing.
° Avoid Social Media, use only when it’s required.

I want my younger self to realize the fact, and not to believe that it’s a bed full of roses as portrayed by the movies.
Make everyday just like a page of that beautiful novel which you would carry with yourself after your part in this life’s play will get over!

Create, Inspire, and be inspired.
Grow, Laugh, Learn.
Be yourself!

