5 min readNov 19, 2021


Our thoughts lead to actions. Our actions lead to habits. Our habits lead to character. Our character develops our future.
Do you people believe this?
Yes, I do believe that a person’s mindset is much more prime than most people believe.Have you ever been around a group of truly successful people? Have you ever spent time with people who are at the peak of their game? What were they like? How did you feel when you were around them? What type of “vibes” did they exude?
The late great Zig Ziglar said "It’s your attitude, not your aptitude that will determine your altitude."
As Zig Ziglar points out in the quote above, your attitude determines your altitude…..meaning, the key to success is simple, ATTITUDE! That is pretty obvious I know, but when you dig deeper, there is quite a bit entailed in that process.
What is this attitude by the way?
It’s the mental state or position you take regarding your life and affairs. This means its not what you think but how you think. Your attitude forms every event in your life, whether you realize it or not. Out of your attitude comes your enjoyment of life and gratitude for all your blessings. Out of your attitude also comes your disappointment and anger at how things have turned out. Out of your attitude also comes the feeling that no accomplishment will be ever be good enough or that you are not good enough. Everyday, your attitude is challenged by other people and by your external factors. How will you react? Will you allow adversity to stop you from moving forward? Will you allow a negative person to ruin your day, make you lose your cool, or force you to give up on your dreams? When such temptations come knocking on your door, stand at the door of your mind and declare powerfully and silently, "No one is home". In other words, cease to engage!
Now, here comes a question, What type of attitude?
Obviously a positive attitude!
A positive attitude is the carrier of optimism into your life. It helps you to avoid worries, deal with frustration, vent out stress and distance from negative thoughts. As a matter of fact, we need to adopt positive attitude as a way of our life.It would bring constructive changes and a light of ray and hope in an otherwise gloomy and mundane life, making us far happier, brighter, more joyous, self-contented, peaceful and successful souls. A person with a positive attitude witnesses the bright side of life and always see the best coming his way. His ray of hope and light never diminishes. It is said that, “Your attitude is What you think about yourself and your life. It dictates your altitude i.e. your level of success.”
So what exactly does a positive attitude mean?

For me, positive attitude is :
° Mental state of self contentment.

° Creative thinking.

° Constructive thinking.

° Optimism.

° Motivation.

° Happiness in whatever you do/have/aim.

However, a positive attitude cannot be born overnight. It is a constant reminder to self to :

° Don’t always expect a successful outcome.

° Be prepared for the worst.

° Inspire, encourage and positively influence yourself as well as others. ° Believe in yourself.

° Have faith in your abilities and skills.

° Look for solutions instead of cribbing over problems.

° Refrain from dwelling over negative people, negative environment and negative thoughts.

° Learn from your failures and mistakes.

° Never ever give up.

° Be contagious enough to give and take only positive vibes.

° And most importantly, love yourself for who you are and not what you want yourself to be!!

What does this attitude do?
° Attitude Jumpstarts your Day:
Getting a leg upon the day is something that everyone can relate to. Whether it's an excitement of looking forward to a pleasurable activity or spending some quality time with loved ones or friends, that little smile that we find ourselves waking up with, helps us to jumpstart our day. A good day or a bad day depends upon our attitude.
° Attitude Motivates:
If you are down in the dumps, its because you consider yourself ill-prepared or not worthy of success, and this reflects in our attitude. If, on the other hand, if we take time to learn how to re-program our thoughts to welcome the day ahead, this slight change in our outlook can reap incredible rewards.
° Attitude Really Matters:
Suppose if things don't go as per our plan or when we step back, the kind of attitude we have as we face these situations makes a tremendous difference in our ability to push forward, to get past the obstacle or roadblock or tense situation and continue to make progress in our recovery.
°Attitude promotes Self-confidence:
Having self-confidence means we have faith in our capacities. It also means that we are much more likely to be trustworthy and happy being who we are, not trying to be somebody else. Affirmative attitude promotes self-confidence. If we don't have self-confidence, we won't accomplish our true potential. People with healthy levels of self-confidence lead merrier and fitter lives. If we have a positive disposition we can anticipate a happier life, laughter, good health and financial success.
° Attitude Paves the way to Victory:
Our attitude plays a major role in making our dreams and goals a reality. Negative attitude gets in the way of success and happiness. Positive thinkers focus more on what can go right rather than what can go wrong and cultivate a feeling of success. Positive attitude improves our ability to bounce back from challenges in our life and helps us to cope with whatever life throws on our way. We won't be able become an optimist overnight, but it is worth the effort as it results in improved health, longer life expectancy and progressed levels of contentedness.
Always look at the brighter side of your life!! Leave no reasons to smile more often! Make the Universe believe in you! Take care of your mental well-being over anyone else’s. Happiness is highly contagious, so associate yourself with happy hearts. Keep yourself in the company of happy people. Read inspiring quotes. Read inspiring stories about happy people. Be the master of your thoughts!Have a focused mindset! Repeat affirming commands to your mind! Visualize yourself as someone you want to be rather than chasing empty dreams. Set realistic expectations for yourself! And reach new peaks with your attitude!!Don’t let anything come your way!

