Pytorch-tensorboard simple tutorial and example for a beginner

HS Kim
5 min readFeb 12, 2020


2020.06.06 Fixed typo.

2020.07.26 Add how to use in Colab, how to monitor remote.

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Let’s use tensorboard using pytorch! It is a good tool for visualization

This post was written by markdown. However I think medium is not markdown friendly than github.

So i recommend to read it in github. It maybe better to read than medium


  1. Add scalar and scalars
  2. Add image and images
  3. Add histogram


For the first time, Tensorboard was made for tensorflow. However thanks to awesome library, we can use it as tensorboardX in Pytorch.

You can simply install tensorboardX using pip or github clone

pip install tensorboardX


pip install 'git+'


As i mentioned, tensorboard is tensorflow library. Therefore to run the tensorboard in web, we need tensorflow.


You can see full source code and data for tensorboard in my github

Add scalar and scalars


In this chapter, we will see how to save scalar(s) and how it will be plotted in tensorboard. You have to pay attention a difference between scalar and scalars.

  • scalar : It will plot just one graph
  • scalars : It will plot multi graphs at once
import math
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
  • We will draw sin and cos graph using math module
  • You have to import SummaryWriter to use tensorboard
writer = SummaryWriter(logdir='scalar/tutorial')
  • writer is a key of this tutorial.
  • logdir='scalar/tutorial' is a directory that data for tensorboard will be saved.
for step in range(-360, 360):
angle_rad = step * math.pi / 180
writer.add_scalar('sin', math.sin(angle_rad), step)
writer.add_scalar('cos', math.cos(angle_rad), step)
writer.add_scalars('sin and cos', {'sin': math.sin(angle_rad), 'cos': math.cos(angle_rad)}, step)

There are two types of writer.add_*. one is just scalar and the other is scalars.

  • As i mentioned, scalar just draws one graph and scalars draws multi graphs

Now let’s see more details

  • writer.add_scalar(tag, function, iteration)
  • Return of function is added in tensorboard and it is used as Y axis.
  • Iteration is used as X axis.
  • writer.add_scalars(tag, function_dict, iteration)
  • Difference is that there is a dictionary of functions.
  • After finishing all of writing, we have to close writer to prevent memory leak


Now let’s see a result. You can run tensorboard in terminal with command

In Colab, you have to use tensorboard extension

%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir /content/scalar
  • You can see a example in here
  • Thank you for making issue Michael!

Monitor in local

$ tensorboard --logdir scalar --port=6006

Monitor remote

$ tensorboard --logdir scalar --host --port=6006

Replace `` to your own ip address

  • When we defined writer , we set the logdir as 'scalar' that is why we attach scalar to command
  • If you initialize writer with empty SummaryWriter
  • writer = SummaryWriter()
  • Default logdir is runs
  • And we will use web(chrome or firefox) to monitor so we need to set a port number.
  • Default tensorboard port number is 6006.
  • If you want to use other port, then just change the number of port
  • like this tensorboard --logdir scalar --port=6008
  • Now let’s see the tensorboard!
writer.add_scalar('sin', math.sin(angle_rad), step)
writer.add_scalar('cos', math.cos(angle_rad), step)
  • These drew sin and cos graph
writer.add_scalars('sin and cos', {'sin': math.sin(angle_rad), 'cos': math.cos(angle_rad)}, step)
  • It drew sin_and_cos graph

Add image and images


It is same with scalar and scalars. image shows single image and images shows group of images.

We will use MNIST for tutorial. You can download MNIST data set easily using torchvision

import torch
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
datasets_dir = './data'
composed = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])
train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root=datasets_dir, train=True, download=True, transform=composed)
  • MNIST data will be downloaded at ./data
  • And we need loader to get a image from dataset
image_loader =, batch_size=1)
  • we will read image one by one so batch_size is 1

Let’s see more

writer = SummaryWriter(logdir='images/MNIST') # * Image is (channel, y, x)
for count, (image, tag) in enumerate(image_loader):
writer.add_image('MNIST Tag is ' + str(tag), image[0])
if count >= 3:
# * Image is (number, channel, y, x)
for count, (image, tag) in enumerate(image_loader):
writer.add_images('MNIST group', image)
if count >= 3:
  • First for statement is add_image
  • Second for statement is add_images
  • We will add 4 images to tensorboard
  • The only difference is add_image use image[0] and add_images use just image
  • Because add_image gets [channel, y, x] as input and
  • add_images gets [number, channel, y, x] as input
  • number is used for grouping
  • That is why add_image add just one image and add_images add group of images
  • And we added str(tag) at the first for statement.
  • If you don’t use it, image will be overwritten by next image. as a result you can see only a last image in tensorboard.


  • If you deactivate Show actual image size which is placed on top of left, you can see larger image.
for count, (image, tag) in enumerate(image_loader):
writer.add_image('MNIST Tag is ' + str(tag), image[0])
  • This for statement added MNIST_Tag_is_tensor_#
  • # means tag of MNIST
for count, (image, tag) in enumerate(image_loader):
writer.add_images('MNIST group', image)
  • This for statement added MNIST_group
  • There is the orange color side wheel
  • When you scroll it, you can see other images.

Add histogram


To understand histogram, these posts are very helpful

In this chapter, we will draw normal distribution using numpy and pytorch

  • We will observe 5 steps and will increase sigma every step
sigma = 1
for step in range(5):
writer.add_histogram('hist-numpy', np.random.normal(0, sigma, 1000), step)
sigma += 1
sigma = 1
for step in range(5):
torch_normal = torch.distributions.Normal(0, sigma)
writer.add_histogram('hist-torch', torch_normal.sample((1, 1000)), step)
sigma += 1

Not difficult. Let’s see a result.


  • You can see 1, 2, 3, 4 at the right side of histogram
  • It means step.
  • We increased sigma every step.
  • Because of increasing sigma, we can see distribution becomes wide
sigma = 1
for step in range(5):
writer.add_histogram('hist-numpy', np.random.normal(0, sigma, 1000), step)
sigma += 1
  • This for statement drew hist-numpy
sigma = 1
for step in range(5):
torch_normal = torch.distributions.Normal(0, sigma)
writer.add_histogram('hist-torch', torch_normal.sample((1, 1000)), step)
sigma += 1
  • This for statement drew hist-torch

If you have any question please make a issue in my repository. This is the fastest way.

I hope you get enough understanding about tensorboard. Please contribute this post!

