Time’s Up

Larry Howe
3 min readSep 14, 2020


By Larry Howe and Cindy Burbank

This is a letter to fellow conservatives and Republican voters. On September 9, 2020, the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued a report that states “Climate change poses a major risk to the stability of the U.S. financial system and its ability to sustain the American economy”.

Time’s up. The best available science indicates we are past due. It’s been 10+ years and still no serious comprehensive policy action on reducing climate risks by the party we have voted for practically our entire lives (i.e. Republican party).

We are from Texas and from Virginia, with almost 100 years of voting between us. Going forward, climate policy will be our number one consideration for which candidates will receive our votes. They must be ready to take bipartisan action to reduce climate risks by championing policies that will quickly put us a on path to lead the world to net zero emissions by 2050.

While climate change is our greatest threat, solving it can present the greatest economic opportunity of our time, leading the world with 21st century careers. And as we continue to work our way to recover from a global pandemic, let’s build back better.

Candidates and lawmakers must invest quality time in reviewing and understanding the science. They should go on the record acknowledging the science. No longer will we tolerate situations in which partisan attitudes dictate allegiance to misinformation. Republican candidates and lawmakers need to lead with solutions, not wasting time bashing the Green New Deal. They need to develop and implement plans to educate their constituents on the best available science and the opportunities in market-based solutions.

We advocate going all-in on carbon fee and dividend measures such as H.R. 763 the Energy innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (see energyinnovationact.org). It is market-based, revenue-neutral, bipartisan, and self-funding. This policy levels the playing field by including all costs-in, and driving technology and deployment innovation that will dramatically and successfully lead the U.S. in the global energy transition. With the border adjustment, this policy will motivate global partners to implement the same or similar policies.

If you are among the 50% + of Republican voters who are already concerned about climate, let your elected officials know. Your voice is important. It is up to us to turn our party around. If you aren’t convinced yet, please open your mind and your heart to the risk that faces us. Take a good look at the science. Do you really want your grandchildren to face this darkening threat?

For all Republicans, take a close look at carbon pricing which uses the marketplace, not regulations to drive innovation. And by returning revenues to American households in equal shares, it will drive economic expansion while providing a financial buffer, especially to lower income households during the transition to a low-carbon economy. Many Conservative leaders and groups are on board with this approach. It is a solid path forward. Check out RepublicEn.org to read the stories of how other Republicans are stepping up on this critical issue. Join your voice with theirs.

Time’s up. Please, for the sake of our grandkids and yours. We ask you to consider our message, share it with your family and friends, and then join with us to place climate solutions policy as the top consideration for your voting priority. We know that our younger conservative voting counterparts are already doing just that. #WhatAboutClimate

Larry Howe (Plano, TX, rlhowe891@gmail.com) and Cindy Burbank (Warrenton, VA, cindy.burbank@comcast.net) are lifelong conservatives who embrace free market climate solutions. They volunteer with the organization republicEn.org.



Larry Howe

Lifelong conservative. Embraces free market climate solutions. Volunteers with republicEn.org and Citizens Climate Lobby Conservative Caucus