Beauty in the unknown

Rachel Mehaffey
1 min readFeb 19, 2024

Some things in life we can’t know …

How long we will live. What our kids will become. If the world will keep regenerating.

Some things the naked eye we can’t see. The cellular processes beneath the skin. The wings of a hummingbird in flight.

Some things we can’t hear. Love. Light. Time.

Not everything is tangible. Does that make it any less real?

I’m a scientist. I believe Darwin had it right.

Does that mean I don’t believe there is more to it. No.

Energy is everywhere and in everything.

Purpose is real.

We have a reason for being here each and every one of us.

Purpose has to be found to know what it is you will leave to the world. Not your memory — a legacy.

But first you’ve got to live it.

Ikigai. That’s all you need to know.

Rach xx



Rachel Mehaffey

Life & Mindset Coach| Podcaster| Educator & Digital Course Creator| Single Mum Learning Out Loud