Rebecca Romanelli
1 min readJun 28, 2020


This is exquisite Tom-all of it-every single line. Last night I watched a new movie called The Great 14th about the life of the Dalai Lama, a leader I’m greatly impressed with. He narrated his entire biography. One thing he repeated several times was that he never thought of himself as the Dalai Lama, but always as an ordinary person like everyone else.

I traveled in Tibet and saw how the people loved him so dearly, even in his long exile. A big part of this reverence is the shining humility in this man’s soul.

The Buddha is and has always been around us in many forms as you so poetically describe. I learned this during global explorations. Some of the most enlightened people I encountered were serving coffee and working in fields. We wear blinders due to false constructs. Time to say goodbye to prejudices blocking our light.

🙏👏👏👏👏👏👏✌️💜🌞 You are a light.



Rebecca Romanelli

Heart Navigator-Forever Untamed-Inner Child Never Left-Global Citizen-who can’t go a day without Nature.