Finding Top N in Tableau

2 min readOct 10, 2023


In Tableau we are using Super Store dataset to find the top 10 cities with highest profits. Below are the steps to follow :

Consider city as the dimension and profit as the measure.

Later sorting the city column into descending order and sorting it by ‘FIELD’.

Color format and text format is applied on sales after sorting the data.

Parameter is created on the sales data

Maximum value is given as 10 , as we want to find top 10 cities having highest sales.

Even after adding the parameter to the worksheet no change can be observeed in the dat. So the sets are created for the dimension.

Top 10 are selected to be displayed in the sets.

Once the Set is added in the filter we can observe the data giving top 10 cities with highest sales.

This way we can find Top 10 cities which have highest sales. In the similar way by selecting Bottom option we can find Bottom 10 cities which means 10 cities with low sales.

