DESIRE Masternode Setup Guide

4 min readNov 5, 2017


Updated on Nov 12th

This guide is for a single masternode, on a Ubuntu 14 64bit server (2GB RAM minimum) that will be controlled from the wallet on your local computer.

If you don't have enough RAM, create 2–4GB of swap memory using this guide.

After you've got your server running, I would recommend you to go through the initial setup guide here before doing anything masternode related, for security purposes.

Basic requirements

- 1,000 DSR
- A main computer (containing the main wallet where your coins will be stored)
- Masternode Server (The VPS that will be on 24/7)
- A unique IP address for EACH masternode
(For security reasons, you’re gonna need a different IP for each masternode you plan to host)

The basic reasoning for these requirements is that, you get to keep your DSR in your local wallet, and host your masternode remotely, securely.

For this guide, I’m going to refer to your main computer’s wallet as the main wallet, and the masternode wallet as the masternode wallets.

Setting up the Masternode wallet

First, you'll have to install the required packages

sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool automake autoconf
sudo apt-get install autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-all-dev
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev

Now we have to build the wallet. Clone the Github DESIRE repository from here.

sudo apt-get install git
git clone

Then navigate to the newly created Desire folder and execute the following lines :

cd Desire
chmod 755
chmod 755 share/

Now start the Desire headless client

cd src
./desired -daemon

You should get an error about the .conf file, that's normal.

Setting up the main wallet

Go to your local computer where your main wallet is running with all your coins inside. Go to the wallet debug console and type :

getnewaddress MN1

Then copy the returned address and send exactly 1000 DSR to this address. Wait for 1 confirmation, then go to the debug console :

masternode outputs

You should see one line corresponding to the transaction id (tx_id) of your 1000 coins with a digit identifier (digit). Save these two strings in a text file.

Note that if you get more than 1 line, it's because you made multiple 1000 coins transactions, with the tx_id and digit associated.

Now we have to create the masternode private key to link the main wallet and the VPS masternode. Type in the debug console :

masternode genkey

Copy this key somewhere. It will be referred as masternodeprivkey.

Next, you have to go to the data directory of your main wallet (in Linux it's located at /home/user/.desirecore). Open the masternode.conf file and type :

MN1 IP:9919 masternodeprivkey tx_id digit

Save it and close it. Restart your main wallet.

Note that each line of the masternode.conf file corresponds to one masternode.

Back to the Masternode wallet

Navigate to the data directory by typing

cd /home/user/.desirecore

The user corresponds to your computer username in which you are logged in.

nano desire.conf

Now copy paste the following configuration :


You need to change IP to your VPS IP address, the masternodeprivkey is the one that you got from the main wallet. Choose whatever you like for user and password. Note that the port should be 9919 for all Desire masternodes.

Type Ctrl + X => Y => Enter. The file desire.conf is now saved.

If you have a firewall (with this guide), you need to open the 9919 port :

sudo ufw allow 9919/tcp

Now start you masternode wallet by navigating through your Desire folder.

cd Desire/src/
./desired -daemon

Wait like 10 mins for your wallet to download the blockchain. You can check the progress with the following command :

./desire-cli getblockcount

The block number has to catch up with the latest on the explorer.

Starting the Masternode

Go back to your main wallet, to the Masternode tab.

You need to wait for 15 confirmations in order to start the masternode. Select the line corresponding to the masternode.

If the Masternode tab isn't showing, you need to go to Options>Wallet>Show Masternodes Tab.

Click "start-alias". Your masternode should be now up and running !

Checking the Masternode status

You can check the masternode status by going to the masternode wallet and typing:

./desire-cli masternode status

If your masternode is running it should print "Masternode successfully started".

I hope this guide was usefull to you. You can ask me some more questions on the official Desire discord channel. My username is Chill.

If you liked my work and want to thank me i'll be happy for a tip :)

Desire address donations : DHMDTiLBbbETtZ7sEnTu7o8Gb7GumnqCER

