Networking Events: What’s the Hype?


“Meet the team”, “Pub night”, and “Networking night” are just some of the several events you may have seen on social media. You might not have time to attend these endless number of events or even understand their importance; Some may see it as pointless while others see it as an opportunity to expand their skill set. And more often than not, there are huge opportunities for growth.

Attending networking events allows you to meet industry professionals who you might eventually want to work with or professionals who were once in your shoes. You can also meet other students who are on the same career journey as you. Networking events are a great opportunity to share ideas and knowledge! Both of these situations are ones in which you can get answers to the several questions that people in your everyday life may not be able to answer. You could possibly avoid pitfalls others have made on their journeys.

Putting yourself out there is difficult, whether you’re in first year, in the midst of your education, or on the verge of graduating. Here are some tips to ease yourself into a night of networking:

  1. Do not be afraid to attend alone

Going alone to a networking event can be nerve wrecking. But it is a great way to step outside your comfort zone, meet new people and build on self-confidence. Going with friends may be easier but some recruiters can be put off by pairs or groups of friends.

  1. Know yourself

Why are you going to this networking event? Do you want to connect with employers or other delegates? Having set expectations of yourself will keep you focused. Make a mental note of who you want to talk to and the types of connections you want to make. After establishing your goal for a networking event, remember to know your experience and skill set. Have your elevator pitch prepared beforehand. This should include who you are, your educational background, work experience, and any relevant skills.

  1. Dress to impress

“First impressions are lasting impressions” — a quote to keep in mind when dressing for networking events! In many cases, you might not get a second chance to make a first impression, and it is important to make sure you dress the part for networking. Pick an outfit appropriate for the event and something that makes you feel confident. For many events, a dress code is always made public beforehand, but if not, business casual can be a safe bet!

  1. Be genuine and engaged

Remember to listen to what the other person has to say. Do not ramble on about yourself in conversations. It is important to ask thoughtful and open-ended questions, it keeps the conversation going because the person cannot answer with a “yes” or “no. In order to ask these thoughtful questions, it is vital to do your research on the companies and speakers attending beforehand. After building a personal connection, business opportunities will arise themselves. Remember these are real people you are talking too. You will have your elevator pitch prepared, but you may not have to use it. Keep the conversation authentic.

Tip: Open-ended questions usually begin with “what”, “how”, why”, and phrases such as “tell me more about…”.

  1. How to start the conversation

If there is an open networking session, try your best to be one of the first people who speaks to the individual because there may be a line up afterwards. Smile, shake hands, introduce yourself, ask them any questions that you have (do your research on the company/professional beforehand!). When you are ready to leave, thank them for answering your questions and for their time. Some conversation starters you can use with professionals are :

● How long have you been with the company?

● What is the biggest challenge you faced and how did you overcome it?

● Compliment their speech

  1. Follow Up

Make sure to follow up within 24 hours via email or LinkedIn, mentioning the event. Ask to go for a coffee chat to finish any conversations left or to start new ones. Be mindful of their time, and be willing to accommodate for their schedule and location.

To keep up with all things related to your marketing major or minor, be sure to be a member of our newest Facebook page. There will be more information about our events posted here and other opportunities to network. Our Careers in Marketing event is coming up shortly on October 3rd. This event brings students and industry professionals together, giving them the opportunity to network and have fun. Come out and meet professionals from Unilever, Air Miles, and much more!

Written by Ilsa Baig

Edited by Rabia Tahir, Qudsiya Jabeen, Christine Ung



Ryerson Marketing Association (RMA)

The Ryerson Marketing Association (RMA) is a student-run organization dedicated to serving the interests of marketing majors and minors at Ryerson University.