Flying Secret can get career off the ground in Lingfield feature on Wednesday

2 min readFeb 28, 2023


But the decision to grant Sherrock a place in the PDC’s showpiece tournament, live on Sky Sports from December 15 to January 3, for winning the inaugural Women’s World Matchplay earlier this year has given the Milton Keynes thrower an unexpected opportunity to take to the big stage먹튀검증again.I was gobsmacked,” Sherrock, who was edged out 3–2 by Steve Beaton in the first round in told Sky Sports about her reaction when the news was confirmed. “I was like ‘really?!’ because when I thought I’d missed out I was so devastated and low.

Then to get told I was in I was so shocked, and then it was excitement and buzzing. I can’t put into words how excited I was.I’m so excited to get back there, hear the crowd again, feel the electric atmosphere and do something better than last year because I want that run from my first year again먹튀사이트Going out first round last year was so devastating, so I’m more game for it and I’ve got more of a hunger this year.I’m never going to go up there and not believe in my ability. I do think I can go on a run again, if not go further.

Sherrock defeated Aileen de Graaf 6–3 to clinch the Matchplay title at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool back in July, although at the time it was not known the winner would be granted a World Championship place.The announcement that Sherrock and all future winners of the event will qualify for the end-of-year extravaganza at Alexandra Palace came earlier this month, and Sherrock believes the tournament’s status merits World Championship inclusion.

It’s a PDC title for the women and it deserves a place as well,” Sherrock said. “You have to qualify for that event and then to win it you qualify for the Grand Slam as well, so why not qualify for the Worlds with토토사이트it?It’s bringing more women into the game and this year we’ll see three women at Ally Pally, so it’s only going to push the game further.

I’ve stayed off social media and not really listened to any of the comments because people will have their own opinion. I could be the best player in the world, and I’d still get hate or the worst player and메이저사이트still get hate.It’s one of those where I still think, because I won the Matchplay, it’s entitled to a spot because it is a title.

