Migration Research Q&A with ChatGPT AI

Ryan Goodman
7 min readJan 8, 2023

OpenAIs ChatGPT feels like a magical resource for research and learning and has quickly become my new addiction. This is an exact transcript of a Q&A session with no edits with ChatGPT.

This is yet another example how AI is changing the way we learn and consume information.

And yes, my artwork is also OpenAI generated through Dall E 2:

What is the best way to move to

There are a few things to consider when moving to

  1. Determine your goals and objectives for using Salesforce. This will help you decide which Salesforce edition (e.g. Salesforce Essentials, Professional, Enterprise) is best for your needs and guide your implementation process.
  2. Gather all relevant data and prepare it for import into Salesforce. This may include cleaning up data, organizing it into a structured format, and de-duplicating records.
  3. Choose a method for importing your data into Salesforce. Salesforce offers several options for data import, including the Data Import Wizard, the Data Loader tool, and the API.
  4. Customize Salesforce to meet your specific business needs. This may include creating custom fields, building custom objects, and creating custom workflows and processes.
  5. Train your team on how to use Salesforce effectively. This will help ensure that everyone is able to take full advantage of the platform and work efficiently.
  6. Consider working with a Salesforce partner or consulting firm to help with the implementation process. They can provide expert guidance and assistance to ensure a smooth transition to Salesforce.

Where can I go to find more info about importing data into salesforce

You can find more information about importing data into Salesforce in the Salesforce Help & Training documentation. Here are some useful resources to get you started:

Additionally, you may find it helpful to seek out online communities and forums where Salesforce users discuss best practices and share tips and tricks for importing data into the platform.

What are the best online communities and forums to discuss best practices

There are several online communities and forums where Salesforce users discuss best practices and share tips and tricks for using the platform. Here are a few options:

These communities are a great resource for getting answers to questions, learning about new features and functionality, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Who are the best experts that I should contact

If you’re looking for expert assistance with your Salesforce implementation or customization, there are a few options to consider:

  1. Salesforce Partners: Salesforce Partners are consulting firms that have expertise in implementing and customizing Salesforce solutions. You can find a list of Salesforce Partners in your area by searching the Salesforce Partner Directory:
  2. Salesforce Consultants: Independent consultants who specialize in Salesforce can also provide expert guidance and assistance with your implementation or customization project. You can search for Salesforce consultants on websites like Upwork, LinkedIn, or by contacting consulting firms directly.
  3. Salesforce User Groups: Salesforce User Groups are local communities of Salesforce users who get together to share knowledge and best practices. You may be able to find a user group in your area and connect with other Salesforce experts who can offer advice and guidance.
  4. Salesforce Experts on Online Communities and Forums: There are also many Salesforce experts who participate in online communities and forums, such as the Salesforce Trailblazer Community, Salesforce Stack Exchange, and Salesforce Developer Forum. You can ask questions and get advice from these experts on these platforms.

It’s always a good idea to do your due diligence and research the expertise and track record of any consultants or firms you’re considering working with to ensure that they are a good fit for your needs.

Is there any partners you can recommend

I’m sorry, but I am not able to recommend specific Salesforce Partners as I am a language model and do not have access to information about specific consulting firms or their reputations.

I recommend that you search the Salesforce Partner Directory ( to find a list of partners in your area. You can use the filter options on the left side of the page to narrow down the list based on your specific needs and requirements.

I also recommend doing your own research to find the best fit for your organization. This may include reading reviews and testimonials from past clients, speaking with references, and getting quotes from multiple firms to compare pricing and services offered.

What are the top risks or problems I can expect when migrating data into salesforce

There are a few risks and potential problems that you may encounter when migrating data into Salesforce:

  1. Data Loss: There is a risk of data loss during the migration process, whether due to technical issues, human error, or other factors. It’s important to have a backup plan in place in case anything goes wrong.
  2. Data Quality Issues: If the data being migrated is not clean or is structured in a way that is not compatible with Salesforce, it can cause problems with the import process and result in incorrect or incomplete data being imported into the platform.
  3. Data Security: Properly securing data during the migration process is important to ensure that sensitive information is not compromised. This includes protecting data during transfer and properly handling any data that needs to be deleted.
  4. Customization and Integration: If you are customizing Salesforce or integrating it with other systems, there is a risk of encountering issues during the implementation process. It’s important to thoroughly test any customizations or integrations before going live to ensure that everything is working as intended.
  5. User Adoption: Ensuring that your team is properly trained on how to use Salesforce and providing ongoing support can help mitigate the risk of users not adopting the platform. Poor user adoption can lead to low productivity and a lack of return on investment.

By being aware of these risks and taking steps to mitigate them, you can help ensure a smooth and successful migration to Salesforce.

How long will a data migration for salesforce take

The length of time it will take to migrate data into Salesforce will depend on a number of factors, including the volume of data being migrated, the complexity of the data, the method being used to migrate the data, and any customization or integration work that needs to be done.

In general, a small-scale data migration of a few hundred records could potentially be completed in a few hours or less, while a larger-scale migration of tens of thousands or more records could take several days or longer.

It’s difficult to provide a more precise estimate without knowing more about the specific details of your migration project. I recommend working with a Salesforce partner or consulting firm to get a more accurate estimate of the time and resources that will be required for your specific migration.

That estimate seems low. Are you including the time to just move data or the time to prepare and validate the data

My previous estimate was based on the assumption that the data being migrated is already clean and structured in a way that is compatible with Salesforce. If the data needs to be prepared or validated before it can be imported, the time required for the migration will likely be longer.

Preparing and validating data for import can be a time-consuming process, especially if the data is large or complex. This may include tasks such as deduplicating records, cleaning up data, organizing it into a structured format, and ensuring that all required fields are populated.

In general, it’s a good idea to allow extra time for data preparation and validation as part of your migration project plan. This will help ensure that the data is ready for import and that the migration process goes smoothly.

How much time does the data preparation take

The amount of time required for data preparation will depend on the volume and complexity of the data, as well as the specific tasks that need to be performed.

In general, preparing and cleaning up data can be a time-consuming process, especially if the data is large or complex. It may take several hours or longer to deduplicate records, remove errors or inconsistencies, and organize the data into a structured format.

It’s difficult to provide a more precise estimate without knowing more about the specific details of your data and the tasks that need to be performed. I recommend working with a Salesforce partner or consulting firm to get a more accurate estimate of the time and resources that will be required for your specific data preparation project.

Is there any other tips or tricks you can share about this topic you have not shared?

Here are a few additional tips and best practices to consider when migrating data into Salesforce:

  1. Use the Data Import Wizard or Data Loader tool to migrate data, rather than manually entering records one by one. These tools can help save time and ensure that data is imported accurately.
  2. Create a plan and timeline for the migration process. This should include tasks such as data preparation, importing data, and testing to ensure that everything is working as intended.
  3. Test the migration process before going live. This may include creating a sandbox environment to test the import process, as well as testing customizations and integrations to ensure that everything is working as intended.
  4. Communicate with your team about the migration process. Keep everyone informed about the timeline, any disruptions to business operations, and what they can expect once the migration is complete.
  5. Seek out resources and support if needed. If you are encountering issues or have questions during the migration process, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many resources available, including the Salesforce Help & Training documentation, online communities and forums, and Salesforce Partners and consultants.



Ryan Goodman

I have been turning data into knowledge for 20 years. I am here to share my journey as entrepreneur, technologist and data geek.