Oppo: How Generative AI Can Transform the Smartphone Industry in 2023.

Jackson Luca
11 min readOct 19, 2023


Generative AI is one of the most exciting and innovative fields of artificial intelligence. It is the ability to create realistic and novel data or content from existing data or content, such as images, video, music, speech, text, software code, and product designs. Generative AI uses techniques such as deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing to learn from data and generate content.

Generative AI has the potential to transform the smartphone industry in many ways, such as personalization, privacy, network efficiency, offline capabilities, and adaptability. In this article, we will explore some of the benefits and applications of generative AI for the smartphone industry, as well as some of the challenges and risks that it poses. We will also look at how Oppo, one of the leading smartphone brands in the world, is using generative AI to innovate and differentiate itself from its competitors.

Table of Contents

What is Generative AI?

How Does Generative AI Work?

What Are Some Examples of Generative AI?

Why is Generative AI Important for the Smartphone Industry?



Network Efficiency

Offline Capabilities


How is Oppo Using Generative AI to Innovate and Differentiate?

Oppo Lab: Create Your Own Wallpapers with Generative AI

Oppo Reno Glow: A Dazzling Effect Created by Generative AI

Oppo Face ID: A Secure and Accurate Facial Recognition System Powered by Generative AI

Oppo Find X3 Pro: A Flagship Smartphone with a Generative Design

What Are the Challenges and Risks of Generative AI for the Smartphone Industry?





What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that can create realistic and novel data or content from existing data or content. It can produce various types of content, such as images, video, music, speech, text, software code, and product designs. It can also use techniques such as deep learning, neural networks, and natural language processing to learn from data and generate content.

How Does Generative AI Work?

Generative AI works by using a combination of two types of neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. A generator is a neural network that takes some input data (such as noise or text) and tries to generate new data (such as an image or a song) that resembles the input data. A discriminator is another neural network that takes both the input data and the generated data and tries to distinguish between them. The generator and the discriminator compete with each other in a process called adversarial training. The generator tries to fool the discriminator by producing more realistic data, while the discriminator tries to improve its accuracy by detecting fake data. The result is that both networks improve over time and produce high-quality data.

What Are Some Examples of Generative AI?

Generative AI has been used to create various types of content, such as:

  • Images: Generative AI can create realistic images of faces, animals, landscapes, and objects that do not exist in reality. For example, [This Person Does Not Exist] is a website that uses generative AI to create random faces of people that do not exist. [Artbreeder] is another website that uses generative AI to create and mix images of various categories, such as portraits, landscapes, and anime.
  • Video: Generative AI can create realistic videos of scenes, events, and actions that do not exist in reality. For example, [Deepfake] is a term that refers to the use of generative AI to manipulate or replace the face or voice of a person in a video. [First Order Motion Model] is a generative AI model that can animate any image using a driving video.
  • Music: Generative AI can create realistic music of different genres, styles, and moods that do not exist in reality. For example, [Jukebox] is a generative AI model that can generate music with lyrics and vocals in the style of various artists. [Magenta] is a research project by Google that uses generative AI to create and explore new ways of making music.
  • Speech: Generative AI can create realistic speech of different languages, accents, and tones that do not exist in reality. For example, [Lyrebird] is a generative AI model that can clone any voice and generate speech in any language. [WaveNet] is another generative AI model that can generate natural-sounding speech from text.
  • Text: Generative AI can create realistic text of different topics, formats, and styles that do not exist in reality. For example, [GPT-3] is a generative AI model that can generate text for various tasks, such as writing essays, stories, code, tweets, and more. [Talk to Transformer] is a website that uses GPT-3 to generate text based on any input.

Why is Generative AI Important for the Smartphone Industry?

The smartphone industry is one of the most competitive and dynamic industries in the world. It is constantly evolving and innovating to meet the needs and expectations of consumers. Generative AI can provide a powerful tool for the smartphone industry to create new value and differentiation for its products and services. Some of the benefits and applications of generative AI for the smartphone industry are:


One of the main benefits of generative AI for the smartphone industry is personalization. Generative AI can create personalized content and experiences for smartphone users, such as customized wallpapers, ringtones, emojis, stickers, filters, and avatars. Generative AI can also tailor recommendations, notifications, and settings to each user’s preferences and behavior.

Personalization can enhance the user satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement with their smartphones. It can also increase the revenue and retention of smartphone brands by offering more value and relevance to their customers. According to a report by Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations.


Another benefit of generative AI for the smartphone industry is privacy. Generative AI can enhance the privacy and security of smartphone users by generating synthetic data that can be used for testing, training, and analytics without exposing real user data. Generative AI can also create realistic face masks, voice masks, and identity masks that can protect users from facial recognition, voice recognition, and biometric hacking.

Privacy can improve the user trust, confidence, and comfort with their smartphones. It can also reduce the risk and cost of smartphone brands by complying with data protection laws and regulations. According to a survey by Cisco, 84% of consumers care about their privacy and data protection.

Network Efficiency

Another benefit of generative AI for the smartphone industry is network efficiency. Generative AI can improve the network efficiency and performance of smartphones by compressing data, reducing bandwidth consumption, and optimizing network resources. Generative AI can also enable edge computing, which allows smartphones to run complex AI tasks locally without relying on cloud servers.

Network efficiency can improve the user experience, convenience, and accessibility with their smartphones. It can also save the energy and money of smartphone brands by reducing the load and cost of cloud computing. According to a study by Ericsson, edge computing can reduce latency by up to 20 times compared to cloud computing.

Offline Capabilities

Another benefit of generative AI for the smartphone industry is offline capabilities. Generative AI can enable smartphones to function offline or in low-connectivity areas by generating content and services that do not require internet access. Generative AI can also create offline backups and caches that can restore data and functionality in case of network failures or disasters.

Offline capabilities can improve the user availability, reliability, and resilience with their smartphones. It can also expand the market and reach of smartphone brands by serving customers in remote or rural areas. According to a report by GSMA, there are still 3.4 billion people who do not have access to mobile internet.


Another benefit of generative AI for the smartphone industry is adaptability. Generative AI can help smartphones adapt to changing user needs, contexts, and environments by generating new features, functions, and interfaces that suit different situations. Generative AI can also learn from user feedback and behavior to improve its performance and accuracy over time.

Adaptability can improve the user satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement with their smartphones. It can also increase the innovation and differentiation of smartphone brands by offering more value and relevance to their customers. According to a report by Deloitte, 64% of consumers are willing to pay more for a personalized product or service.

How is Oppo Using Generative AI to Innovate and Differentiate?

Oppo is one of the leading smartphone brands in the world, with over 320 million users and a market share of 11% as of 2021. Oppo is known for its innovative and user-centric products and services, such as its fast-charging technology, its rotating camera, and its ColorOS operating system. Oppo is also one of the pioneers in using generative AI to create new value and differentiation for its smartphones. Some of the examples of how Oppo is using generative AI to innovate and differentiate are:

Oppo Lab: Create Your Own Wallpapers with Generative AI

Oppo Lab is a feature that allows users to create their own wallpapers using generative AI. Users can choose from different themes, colors, shapes, and patterns, and generative AI will generate a unique wallpaper based on their choices. Users can also share their wallpapers with other users or download wallpapers created by others.

Oppo Lab is a fun and creative way for users to personalize their smartphones and express their individuality. It is also a way for Oppo to engage with its users and build a community around its brand. Oppo Lab was launched in 2020 and has received positive feedback from users and media.

Oppo Reno Glow: A Dazzling Effect Created by Generative AI

Oppo Reno Glow is a generative AI technology that creates a dazzling effect on the back of Oppo Reno smartphones. Oppo Reno Glow uses a special coating process that generates millions of microcrystals on the surface of the phone. These microcrystals reflect light in different angles and colors, creating a stunning visual effect that changes with the user’s movement.

Oppo Reno Glow is a unique and attractive design feature that makes Oppo Reno smartphones stand out from the crowd. It is also a way for Oppo to showcase its technological innovation and craftsmanship. Oppo Reno Glow was introduced in 2021 and has received praise from users and critics.

Oppo Face ID: A Secure and Accurate Facial Recognition System Powered by Generative AI

Oppo Face ID is a generative AI technology that creates a 3D facial model of the user based on their 2D selfie. Oppo Face ID then uses this 3D model to unlock the phone or authenticate payments. Oppo Face ID is more secure than traditional face recognition systems because it can detect subtle changes in the user’s facial expressions and movements.

Oppo Face ID is a convenient and reliable way for users to access their smartphones and services without passwords or PINs. It is also a way for Oppo to enhance the privacy and security of its users and comply with biometric regulations. Oppo Face ID was developed in 2019 and has been improved over time.

Oppo Find X3 Pro: A Flagship Smartphone with a Generative Design

Oppo Find X3 Pro is a flagship smartphone that features a generative design on its back cover. The generative design is inspired by the shape of water droplets and creates a smooth and seamless transition from the camera module to the body of the phone. The generative design also reduces the thickness and weight of the phone, making it more comfortable to hold.

Oppo Find X3 Pro is a premium and elegant smartphone that combines aesthetics and functionality. It is also a way for Oppo to demonstrate its design leadership and vision. Oppo Find X3 Pro was launched in 2021 and has received acclaim from users and experts.

What Are the Challenges and Risks of Generative AI for the Smartphone Industry?

Generative AI is not without its challenges and risks for the smartphone industry. Generative AI can create content that is inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent with the original data or content. Generative AI can also produce content that is offensive, harmful, or misleading. Generative AI can also raise ethical issues such as ownership, authorship, attribution, consent, and accountability. Generative AI can also face legal challenges such as intellectual property rights, data protection laws, consumer rights laws, and liability laws. Generative AI can also encounter social challenges such as public trust, acceptance, and awareness. Some of the challenges and risks of generative AI for the smartphone industry are:


One of the challenges of generative AI for the smartphone industry is quality. Generative AI can create content that is inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent with the original data or content. For example, generative AI can create images that have artifacts, distortions, or glitches. Generative AI can also create text that has grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or logical flaws. Generative AI can also create music that has noise, dissonance, or repetition.

Quality can affect the user satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement with their smartphones. It can also affect the reputation and credibility of smartphone brands by offering low-quality products and services. Therefore, human validation and moderation are essential to ensure the quality and reliability of generative AI outputs.


Another challenge of generative AI for the smartphone industry is ethics. Generative AI can raise ethical issues such as ownership, authorship, attribution, consent, and accountability. For example, generative AI can create content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of the original creators or owners. Generative AI can also create content that violates the moral rights or personal rights of the subjects or actors. Generative AI can also create content that deceives or manipulates the users or audiences.

Ethics can affect the user trust, confidence, and comfort with their smartphones. It can also affect the social responsibility and reputation of smartphone brands by offering unethical products and services. Therefore, ethical principles and guidelines are needed to ensure the responsible use of generative AI.


Another challenge of generative AI for the smartphone industry is regulation. Generative AI can face legal challenges such as intellectual property rights, data protection laws, consumer rights laws, and liability laws. For example, generative AI can create content that violates the copyright or trademark laws of the original creators or owners. Generative AI can also create content that breaches the privacy or security laws of the subjects or actors. Generative AI can also create content that harms or misleads the users or audiences.

Regulation can affect the user rights, interests, and expectations with their smartphones. It can also affect the compliance and governance of smartphone brands by offering illegal or unregulated products and services. Therefore, regulatory frameworks and standards are needed to ensure the compliance and governance of generative AI.


Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that can create realistic and novel data or content from existing data or content. It can produce various types of content, such as images, video, music, speech, text, software code, and product designs.

Generative AI has the potential to transform the smartphone industry in many ways, such as personalization, privacy, network efficiency, offline capabilities, and adaptability.

Oppo is one of the leading smartphone brands in the world that is using generative AI to innovate and differentiate its products and services. Some of the examples of how Oppo is using generative AI are Oppo Lab, Oppo Reno Glow, Oppo Face ID, and Oppo Find X3 Pro.

However, generative AI also poses some challenges and risks for the smartphone industry, such as quality, ethics, and regulation.

Generative AI is a powerful tool for the smartphone industry to create new value and differentiation for its customers. However, it also requires careful consideration and management to ensure its quality, ethics, and regulation.



Jackson Luca

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