Who are the guys singing the jingles in freecreditreport.com?

21 min readMar 24, 2019


Who are the guys singing the jingles in freecreditreport.com?

Is this a real band, or some random guys singing the jingles in the freecreditreport.com commercials?

Answer : I might suggest that you try this internet site where one can compare from the best companies: http://INSURANCEANDFINANCETIPS.INFO/index.html?src=MEDFEBeoch9Ahgie .

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Online direct payday loan lenders?
I have car trouble that I need to take care of before I go to work monday morning. My paycheck is already gone due to mortgage. I need an online direct payday loan lender that will make the money available to me on sunday. I cannot find one that offers this solution to my problem??? Please only give answers that you think will help me, not opinions, thankyou.””

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How Can I get an auto Loan with no Credit history?
I am about 20 yrs of age do not have an option for a cosigner and finally found the car I want after mths of research its about 14K w/o interest, I only have about a grand in cash saved up. I do have a car but, it went through in-house financing w/ was not reported to credit bural…Anybody know what 2 do?””
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How many credit cards should i have?
I started credit last year with a capital one secured card, 200 dollars credid limit. Then early this year I was approved for an unsecured Belk credit card, 850 credit limit at that time, now I have $1300 limit. And 2 months ago I was approved for a Kolhz credit card, $500 credit limit. I have used all my card and most of the time I payoff the balances right away. Right now there is no balance is none of them. No late payments. I would like to apply for a visa or mastercard from my bank, is this a good idea? Do I have a lot credit cards that can hurt my credit? How do YOU estimate my credit? Good? Average? Please advice…I’m trying to buy a house at the beginning of next year?””
“”641 credit score, can I get an auto loan with 50% deposit down?””
I have a 641 credit score currently, I have 4 credit cards open with no late payments. Oldest account is 1 year old, so its very new credit history. My credit to debt ratio is great. I’ve been employed by the same employer for 4 years with an $86,000 yearly income. I am wanting to purchase a vehicle for $54,000 and willing to put a 50% deposit down ($27,000) and I am a FIRST time buyer for an auto loan. With my very little credit history, will a dealership give me the loan for 72 months? If not, what do I need to do? Should I wait another year to prove on time payments with little debt to boost my credit score? Please help!””


Using someone else’s credit as your own?
i am 19 and should have no credit but also no bad credit i tried to check my credit score through equafax and it would not let me since i could not verify that it was me and said i have to do it through the mail. I went to the bank to get a loan and was approved with in 5 min. and lowest interest weird they said but okay and got a credit card approved just as fast they suggested i check it through myfico and it told me the same thing that i cant be verified!? i put in my social but i think i am using my dads credit score since we have the same first and last name obviously i know the pros of this but what are the cons ? never building up my own credit? and then them finding out it is not me at like age 40. comments,suggestions how to fix this are appreciated!””
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Do payday loans show up on your credit report?
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Creditors token payments and what to do ?
my husband and i have massive debts….14kin total and 6k in secured debts. we have been to the cccs and they can’t put us on a management plan as we have more outgoings than income. the creditors pester us all the time and the cccs have suggested we sell our house and move into rented accommodation except the rental prices around here are twice our mortgage.which would put us in a worse situation since they wont take our token payment and bankruptcy is out of the question since we would be homeless what else can we do ?
“Who are the guys singing the jingles in freecreditreport.com?

Is this a real band, or some random guys singing the jingles in the freecreditreport.com commercials?

Experian credit score of 671 is this average?

I am about to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and I have questions!?
I am one of the hapless folks who found myself ensnared in the subprime lending fiasco, and am now faced with no other choice than to file a chapter 7. (I am in CA.) I’ve been toying with the idea of a career change, and I have been looking into several culinary arts programs at different schools. I know that I will need financial aid, but I am not sure if that’s going to be possible with a Chapter 7 under my belt. Does anyone know if a Chapter 7 will render me completely unable to obtain any educational assistance? Another thing I am wondering is, I own property (in this case my home) with another person who is not declaring bankruptcy. (My domestic partner.) My atty says that since we have no equity in our home it won’t be used as collateral, especially since we’ve managed to stay current on our payments, but that my creditors can lien her portion of the property for my debts. What does this mean exactly? And is there any way to avoid this? Any help is appreciated!””
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What happened to you after you didnt pay your payday loan or do you know ?
they payday place was done all online with my electronic signature so i did not actully write a check but i still know that i was committing myself to pay it back but i had some really bad hardships and was able to its been about 3months and today i got a threating phone call about being proacuted for check fraud i want to make payment arragments but they wont ecept want im offering what can i do ?
Finance charges on auto loans ?
Hi, how much are finance charges (the fee you pay the bank when you take out a loan on a car, not the down payment) typically? I live in southern NY, if that affects it. “”

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How come my free credit report didn’t include a credit score?
That number people throw around, like 630 or whatever? I saw one offer for it, but it cost money. Isn’t the score free?””

I need a credit card asap what is best company to go through?
i only applied to capital one and i was denied. my credit has a repo from my kids dad, elec bill from kids dad, and had child support that is paid off but will not show paid off right now 2 minutes ago i dont care about my credit score!!!!!! my kids are in a house with a dad that is lazy and will not take care of them and they need out and just because the army made me gove up custody cause single moms cant have custody i am now screwed and i have to what ever i can to get them back. i have court in a week and half and will not have enought to pay for everything since dad is stupid and will not do what is right for kids and give them to me with out a fight””


How can i check if my budgeting loan form has been received?
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Score 733. can i get a descent home loan?
15000.00 down 43000.00 a year gross(about)
Calling about auto loan before applying?
Is it a good idea? What should I expect? My situation… 2 full time jobs: -at first one since Dec. 2010 (but in the same field since early 2008) -at second job only a couple weeks With having the second job, there is at minimum $1,500 new discretionary income added every month. No problem at all to pay on an auto loan. -have a ton of school debt, but no late payments on record -have medical collections from a couple years ago (accident wasn’t my fault, lousy hospital treatment that I didn’t seek…I’ll keep my cash)””
If we make 90k a year how much mortgage can we get approved for?
We are looking into buying a home. We make 90k a year combined and have $700 monthly debt. How much can we afford?
I need some real advice on getting a personal loan?
we have tried banks and the one company from aus does not take united states we had to go to digitalcity and make a donation page here is the link it has the full story on us unless by some miracle someone will help us with a loan and not one of those stupid loan companies mentioned http://www.digitalcharity.com/m.php?id=38791

Is there any way that Free Credit Report website is free?
I got a reply from a job that i applied for and was asked to print out a credit report from this site. Im a little nervous about punching in my credit card, fore i do not want to be charged for anything. I was told by one person that this one girl got charged 30.00 per month for that. See, i only want to do this as a one time thing. So if anyone knows how free credit report.com works, please let me know. I know there is the other free annual credit report website but that job specifically asks for that free credit report.com site!””

“”Who sings the Freecreditreport.com commercials? I know the lip-syncer is Eric Violette, but who is the VOICE?

Using a payday loan to pay bankruptcy fees?
Have a strange question. Would I be able to utilize a payday loan to pay bankruptcy fees? My wages are being garnished and after gas, rent and utilities I have very little money to eat on. I have no problem paying the payday loan off after due to after the garnishments come off my paycheck will have alot more money freed up. Also, is it something that would be needed to be put on the bankruptcy paperwork even if i am paying it off? Thank you for your help.””
How can I buy something online without bank account or credit card?
I found a game that can only be purchased online (via Steam) but being an 18 year old with no credit card, bank account or anyone to use their credit cards for me, I find myself in trouble. I usually get gift cards at local stores to buy things online but Steam doesn’t have any. And i was going to get a MoneyPak card to put on PayPal, but cant because to activate PayPal’s service you need to verify a credit card or bank account.. Can someone please help me? I just want to buy this one thing and it costs only 10.00 USD””
Has anyone filed for bankruptcy? Can you explain your experience?
Any regrets? What was the hardest part or worst part? Best part? When did lenders start letting you borrow money? How long has it taken you to build your credit score up?
“Who are the guys singing the jingles in freecreditreport.com?

Is this a real band, or some random guys singing the jingles in the freecreditreport.com commercials?


“”If mortgage is not in my name, can bank come after me?””
UPDATE: Probate was most certainly settled properly. Under Federal law, a child who inherits a house DOES NOT have to refinance the house. They can simply continue making payments. I had a very good estate lawyer, and this was never in question. Probate is absolutely closed, and the house has been dealt with 100% in terms of the probate process. For all you people who say otherwise, please get a law degree or do some more research.””

Should i request a higher limit on my credit card or apply for a new one?
— Viking my friend. i always purchase little things on my credit card .. why ? to build credit. i pay it off quickly. usually THE SAME MONTH. but since i WANTED a tv i BOUGHT one. and can easily pay it off right now.. but im moving .. there fore im conserving money. sorry i’m not perfect :) LMAO last line of my question .. theres always one smart*ss in the bunch.
I need a Home loan but Since my age is 20 yrs i am not eligable can any one tell me any other bank?
I am only 20 Yrs old and i asked for Bank loan but since i am 20yrs i am not eliogable , can any one tell me is there any other bank which can provide me the Home Loan Please help””
How to have cash advance using my HSBC credit card?


Best prepaid debit card?
What would be the best? prepaid debit card one could get? One that has a low activation fee, as well as minimal fees after that? Its an easy 10 points if you have any tips.””
(emergency!!) can i pay my credit card bill on an ATM machine??
can i use cash to pay on an ATM machine??
How do I find a loanshark in Michigan?
I need to find a loan shark in Michigan. Does anyone know any or could they send me in the direction of one. My email is threesenough5@yahoo.com I am not a bad person with a past of not paying bills. I had money stolen from my bank account and it is taking some time to recover it. In the mean time I have never had credit cards (due to high interest rates) so I need to find a loan shark fast so I don’t get behind on my payments. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me. At this point I am willing to pay any interest rate to protect what I have. Thanks.
Has anyone had creditors trying to collect after filing bankruptcy?
OK…Don’t judge me. I am not a deadbeat or spent money recklessly. I am a chiropractor and became ill with a chronic illness and had no choice but to go on disability. I got approved for disability the first time I applied. However, I can see so many clients a weeks. But, my finances and medical bills piled over my head and I had more bills and living expenses than what I made total. I did not have any major credit card with high balances, my home is modest, I drive a Ford Edge. I have two girl’s as well. It was when I was sick and in the hospital and not able to work and not getting disability, I got really behind on bills. Then with disability and working a few hours a month, I could no longer pay for things. Mainly, they were personal loans from when I opened my own practice. Which was like 2 mortgages!! My bankruptcy was discharged in July. I have had 2 companies harass me non-stop and even turned me over to collections which is now on my credit report. I have a call into my attorney about this. The paralegal is faxing paperwork over to them. I did go to law school for a year and half before becoming a chiropractor. As, I recall under the old law creditors had to stop harassing you once you retained an attorney and had a case number. So, if my lawyer can stop this what legal action can I take. These people get very belligerent on the phone. Also, how do I get these collection agencies off my credit report that they turned me over to? I did talk to one collection company today and they were nice, but they told me it automatically goes on my report. I faxed them a copy of my discharge papers with the company they were representing. and now my credit report say 0.00 by their name but the fact it is still there. Much advice is needed!””
Anybody ever had any experience or used Rise Above Debt Relief?

“”Could I get accepted for a auto loan for 8,000?
Ive also had my job as a server for about 2 years now

How far behind on auto loans can you be before they actually come and take the automobile away?

Is there and free credit report that does not require a credit card?
My boyfriend really wants me to get a credit check done before we get married. I do not want to do it because I cannot find one where you actually get it for free. He is very mad that I wont do it. Do you know any credit report online that will do this for free without me needing to provide a credit card? If not, is there any one you know of that you can cancel online? I want a paper trail because I heard its hard to cancel the free trial. Thanks!””
Best way to check my credit score?
I was wanting to see what my credit score was and whether or not I have ever been victim of identity theft before I apply for a loan. Any recommendations of where to go to check it? Is it something a normal accountant can do or what?
How to get a free credit report if recently denied credit?
I’ve done it before but I just can’t remember how to get a free credit report if i’ve recently been denied credit.
Can I file bankruptcy on an old debt?

“”Please help!! Year 12 maths assignment question, home lones!?””
Amelia and Andrew need to borrow 250 000 for their home. They have a choice of two loans from the Commonwealth bank. Loan 1: A variable rate home loan at 7.81% reducible interest over 30 years with minimum repayments of $1898.18 per month. Loan 2: A fixed rate home loan at 8.25% reducible interest over 30 years with fixed repayments of $1971.13 Amelia and Andrew believe they can pay $2050 per month. If they do, loan 1 will be payed off in 20 years and 3 months. By first researching the difference between a fixed rate home loan and a variable home loan. Provide a recommendation to Amelia and Andrew about which Home loan they should choose. In your recommendation provide a strength and limitation of both Loan 1 and Loan 2. PLEASE SHOW WORKING OUT!!””
Question about auto loan?
Hello all, I have recently been looking around to buy a 2006 Mazda 3 from a private seller. It has 93,200 miles on it. I am a college student who is looking to co-sign a loan with my father. We were approved at Chase Bank, however the car did not fall in the range (5 calendar years, < 75,000 miles) so we had to throw that offer out the window. We were denied at a local credit union mostly because we are not members. So, we just tried Bank of America and the car falls within range (< 7 years, > 100,000 miles), minimum of $7500. My father is a member and has good credit. Now, the car is $6800, and would be $7495 if included sales tax. But I have read online that I pay sales tax at the DMV here in NY; would Bank of America write the check for $6800 or would they deny me after seeing the bill of sale? Thanks in advance for your answers.””
How or where can I get a credit card if I dont have any credit?
I am almost 19 years old and I want a credit card so that I could build credit. How would I go about either getting credit or better yet getting a credit card? When I try to get a credit card iget rejected since i dont have any credit
Can we get as home loan? ?
My partner thinks he has bad credit history — he had some mobile phone bills he didn’t pay for a long time — then he paid them after they issued warnings about taking him to court, apart from that he’s fine… would we have a problem getting a loan?””
Does checking your credit report once a year allow you to view it for 30 days free? Are there any hidden fees?
I want to check my credit report. And I know the only place to view it is through www.annualcreditreport.com, but it gives you the option of viewing your report for thirty days and I was wondering if by doing this, there would be some kind of hidden fee.””
“”Has anyone received a phishy call from Landmark Legal”””” and “”””St. Armands Group”””” at 1.855.290.4498 x 420?””””””
We received a call from a Landmark Legal…on 6.06.12. The phone number was Unknown””””. It was a lady named “”””Stacie””””. she stated a name (of someone at this number)””
“Who are the guys singing the jingles in freecreditreport.com?

Is this a real band, or some random guys singing the jingles in the freecreditreport.com commercials?

How can i get a personal loan?
I need a personal loan ASAP to pay a ticket for driving on a suspended license do I can get my car from the impound. Pls help. I don’t want a payday loan. They don’t give enough . I need 2000$. Pls help.
Bankruptcy — filing before or after a deficiency judgement?
I have a condo that will eventually be foreclosed on, I have been trying to short sale it with no success. I have not been paying the mortgage for over 6 months. I went to a bankrucpty lawyer today to discuss filing bankrupty because I won’t be able to pay the tax liability if I get a 1099 or the deficiency judgement, if I get one. he said I should file before I get a possible deficiency judgement and that would cover a potential 1099 situation, and if I end up with a deficieny judgement, I just reopen the bankruptcy filing to cover that judgement. This does not sound right to me, don’t you want to file after the 1099 or judgement, after they say you have to pay the debt? If I file now, before it is even a debt (not even foreclosed on yet), how can that be included in a bankruptcy filing?””
Can finance company charge you for going bankrupt?
It is a fee for handling the bankruptcy. When I was finally made aware of it I saw it was assessed before the discharge. They are holding the lien because of it.
Does a foreclosure effect your tax returns?
Anyone have any clue? Thanks for your time.
A Payday loan that does lending in NC?
Need extra cash for Christmas …don’t need advice of why I don’t need to do it ….just a lending company in NC….why answer if you are not going to be helpful….
How do loan sharks work?
I dont get what loan sharks do? detailed answer for 10 points.
Can i get a mortgage with bad credit and ccj history?
i have bad credit and have had a ccj within the last 12months will i ever be accepted for a mortgage?
My wife has filled bankruptcy from a previous marriage will our tax refund affect that?

1. You have seen a credit card advertisement stating that the annual percentage rate is 12 percent. If the cre?
credit card requires monthly payments, what is the effective annual rate of interest on the loan? 2. Assume you are planning to invest $5,000 each year for six years and will earn 10 percent per year. Determine the future value of this annuity if your first $5,000 is invested at the end of the first year.””
How can I pay off my Jcpenney credit card with my major Visa Credit card?
When i go online to pay my Jcpenney card off…It will only let me use a checking account? Is there a way for me to use my major visa card? Can i actually go into the store and use my visa card to pay off my jcpenney card? Also, same thing for my Maurices credit card?””
Is the phone number #8773228228 really ok to call and order your credit report for free?
Is the phone number you are calling a scammer or a business that is really out to help you (or get your info to use in a bad or negitive way)?
Does anyone know of a personal loan i can get not a payday loan with bad credit?
Im looking to get a loan but i dont want a payday loan and preferrably one where you dont have to have a job, even though i will have one soon””
What is a website i can obtain my credit score free? without using my credit card info?

Canada: How can I get my free credit report from Experian (formerly Northern Credit).?
I want my FREE credit report that I get from mailing it in, I found the street addresses for both Equifax and Trans Union. Where can the address & form to be filled out found for Experian? The only form I found on their website requires me to pay $15. There was a free one I filled out last year but I cannot remember where I got it nor can I locate it now. Please help if you can. Note- this is the FREE version I am after, not the one you see online after paying $$$.””
“”How long do you think it will be until BP declares bankruptcy, and sticks us with the cleanup bill?

Which bank is more foregiving to refinance an auto loan to lower payments to someone with not so good credit?

Why are some animals insults when referring to people while others are compliments?
If you call someone a dog, monkey, donkey, snake, rat it’s an insult yet if you call someone tiger, lion, fox it’s seen as a compliment I can see what’s wrong with rats and snakes from the point of view of humans but what’s wrong with dogs and monkeys? monkeys and apes are our closest relatives and are much smarter than lions and tigers foxes are basically just dog like animals that annoy people yet fox is a compliment while dog, man’s best friend, is an insult yet weirdly some breeds of dogs are also compliments if you call someone terrier”””” it’s seen as a compliment indicating a brave person if you call someone””
How can I get an instant loan?
I need a short term 2 week loan for $800. Does anyone know a reputable place that I can get it?
What’s a website where I can get a free background check?
Is there a website where I can use my social security number to do a background check? If not just tell me any websites you know please :) Thanks :)

Can I use my Dell credit card at Best Buy to buy a Dell computer??
it’s not a Dell-brand Visa- it’s a Dell credit account, only good with Dell. Kind of like how your Macy’s card is only good at Macy’s….””
“”If something only says credit card, can you still use a debit card?

State and explain five functions of commercial banks.?

Auto title loans?
can u get an auto title loan if your still paying off your car?
Bad credit auto loan web site?
I want to know if any one has used one and did it work? how long did it take? how bad was your credit? and how much were you approved for?
“Who are the guys singing the jingles in freecreditreport.com?

Is this a real band, or some random guys singing the jingles in the freecreditreport.com commercials?

