Gestalt Laws in UX Design

Richu Michael
3 min readFeb 28, 2020

For a little context, I am a UI UX Designer at BYJU’S Think & Learn based in Bangalore, India. What follows are my efforts to find examples of Gestalt laws from the apps I used daily :) Hope you find it useful!

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This law demonstrates how elements placed nearby are percieved to be a group. In the Spotify screen, ‘recently played’ and ‘your top podcasts’ are perceived to be groups of their own.

Proximity law in Spotify UI


Elements in a visual that are similar in colour, shape or size are percieved as a group. In the calendar app, noptice how easily recognizable sundays and saturdays are due to the colour choice.

Similarity used in a native Calender App UI.

Common Region

When elements are contained in a clearly defined boundary, they are perceived as a group.

OLA app is what I use to get around in the city commonly. They send a notification once the ride is booked displaying essential details in a card; effective and clear communication!

Use of Common Region Law in OLA App UI.


Our mind finds patterns in visuals and try to fill in broken patterns. The same law is applied into Instagram’s stories feature, where the partially completed display picture gives a sense of continuity in the lane.

Closure law demonstrated through instagram stories feature.


Our mind tries to simplify complex visuals into easily perceivable chunks. In the OLA screen below the map , location card and ride details card are perceived as 3 seperate elements on its own.

Pragnanz in OLA ride tracking page.

Focal Point

The viewer’s attention is initially directed towards the most highlighted element. Here, the focal point law is used well for the CTA button.

Focal Point Law in Omio App.


Continution is pretty much self explanatory. Soundcloud mobile app uses this concept very intentionally, displaying the entire album artwork slowly with the progress in the track playing which is communicated through the sound wave themed seek bar.

Continuity in Soundcloud App.

Key Takeaways

I really appreciate you stopping by and reading this article which is my first post in Medium. 😊

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