Climate Change or Human Change?

Linda Wooddell
2 min readOct 21, 2019


If we match our actions to Nature’s, then we’ll become like Nature & start feeling what Nature feels — Dr. Michael Laitman

This world is a closed system that allows us to be in a single, general system where each part is connected. We are part of Nature — not above it. All living organisms are built to care for the others. Cells in our bodies connect to each other to sustain the whole organism. Each cell gets what it needs and to care for the whole body. A cancerous cell does not take its environment into account. It grabs everything for its own good. Just like humanity today. This eventually can lead to the death of the entire organism, or world.

Our human relations are not in balance. This causes an imbalance in nature. Our behavior and thoughts violate the balance. The less balanced we are, nature as a whole becomes more imbalanced.

We have been shown great reminders of Nature’s power from more and stronger earthquakes, to record high temperatures in Alaska and across the Atlantic. We feel helpless, but we are the most influential in nature. We can start by upgrading the quality of human relations.

If we look at the four levels of nature: inanimate, vegetative, animate and human we can see that each is more powerful than the others below it. Only the human level can change the course of nature. How we relate to each other can change the course of nature. By deflating our egos — the desire to receive at the expense of others (like that cancer cell) we can bring about a new ecological balance. We need to repair our connections with each other. If we can create a positive connection, we wouldn’t have to worry about all the other ecological actions. Nature, from a higher level, will take care of balancing itself. The wisdom of Kabbalah calls this “love covers all transgressions.” Changing our inner attributes can change the world.

There’s no point in resisting nature, “the end of the act is in the initial thought”. When we correct ourselves, and relate to the whole world, we can correct all of nature. Without harmony the only part of nature to exist would be human society. We have free choice. Our conscious participation affects the harmony of nature.

The corruption we do to others is reflected on us as suffering. We no longer feel nature’s force affecting us — the force of love and bestowal. Our blindness and unawareness of nature’s system can’t last. As a great Kabbalist, Baal HaSulam, wrote, “Now it is vitally important for us to examine Nature’s commandments, to know what it demands of us, lest it would mercilessly punish us.” This was written in the 1930’s!

As long as our egoistic relations continue it will continue to cause negativity throughout all of nature. This would loop around and create negative feedback on us. We must make a decision now. Be kind to each other. Love your neighbors as yourself. If we can bring love and peace to the world, we may be able to save it.

