Agriculture Colleges and Universities Rating 2024: India, States & Cities

Mahadev Uniyal
2 min readJan 10, 2024

Here, at RNBGU we are providing the list of top agriculture colleges and Universities in India and its state for the year 2024. There are various reputed colleges and universities of the country offering admission in agriculture courses. In India, there are several government & private institutions which offer this course in undergraduate, postgraduate degree and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Students seeking admission in agriculture must be searching for the best agriculture colleges in India. There are many terms has been taken into consideration for ranking such as ICAR Accredited Private Universities and colleges, national importance, etc. These lists are made by calculating some factors which made them authentic in terms of top colleges in order & rating. Here we have provided details about Agriculture Colleges Rating 2024 of different states as well as districts of the country.

Agriculture Colleges and Universities Rating 2024

We have listed the government as well as private colleges/ universities which offer quality education in the agriculture field. Here, we have divided the list into two different sections, i.e. State wise and District wise. The ranking of colleges in order of top to low is as given here:

· Top ICAR Colleges in India

· ICAR Approved Private University in Rajasthan

In the above links we have provided list of top agriculture colleges in India as per the state and district. Interested candidates can get admission in the agriculture colleges as per their ranks.

These colleges have different infrastructure, fee structure, eligibility criteria and others. Candidates can check ranking and scores of the top ICAR colleges in India.

Below we have provided some top agriculture colleges of India as per the district wise rating. Here, candidates can get an idea about top agriculture colleges in our country.



Mahadev Uniyal

RNB Global University One Of The Best Agriculture University in Rajasthan, With Best Class Working Environment And Professional Management In Place,