Bird Non-Profit trying to shut down Skyway Fishing Piers raised over $100K in 2022

Robert Neff
13 min readApr 30, 2024


20 Apri 2022. Updated June 25, 2024. In 2021 and 2022, Friends of the Pelicans, Inc. fundraising increased to $48,367, then $100,493, respectively, according to Friends of the Pelicans, Inc.’s IRS 990-EZ online posting by ProPublica.

Contributions were: 2018 — $3,025; 2019 — $17,521;2020 — $10,803; 2021$48,367; and, 2022$100,493.

In 2021, Friends of the Pelicans Facebook messaging and emails to DEP, FWC, DOT and elected Federal, State, County and City officials focused on banning Sabiki rigs and treble hooks and Skyway Fishing Piers closure, ranging from complete closure, closing at night, temporarily, or just the end of the piers. DEP, FWC, DOT and elected officials did not verify Friends of the Pelicans’ alleged facts.

Friends of the pelicans also stated pelicans were scalped, and tortured by someone at the Skyway Fishing Pier. In June 2021, completed its investigation and release the following statement:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) initiated an investigation in February 2020 in response to reports of possible intentional injuries to several pelicans on the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park in Manatee County. FWC officers conducted a thorough investigation, logging more than 400 hours using multiple investigative techniques. In addition to investigative efforts and consultations with experts, the FWC and partner agencies also focused educating the public using signage, videos and a comprehensive “Don’t Cut the Line! Reel. Remove. Release.” campaign. At the conclusion of the investigation, officers and advising biologists found no evidence of intentional injury to pelicans at the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park. The investigation was subsequently suspended.

On January 29, 2021, FWC opened an investigation which included sending undercover officers onto the Skyway Piers to investigate the anglers (See reference below).

On February 5, 2021, DEP banned the sale of Sabiki rigs and treble hooks at the Skyway Fishing Piers bait shops. DEP had no data to support the decision but was under media and Federal and State Agency’s pressure to act. Later, an internal email showed DEP was aware FWC investigations found no evidence of intentional harm. DEP did not reverse the ban on sales.


Thank you so much for the call the other day- I really appreciate it especially knowing your schedule is very full. You asked about the number of birds who become entangled in sabiki hooks. I asked another advocate if we have that number and the response is pasted below. (from a dedicated advocate with Friends of the Pelicans, FOTP) I did not mention why I was asking for that number as that’s not my place to say.

We don’t have any numbers just for sabiki hooks vs treble or single hooks, but what we do know is that when a pelican is entangled in them…

Ms. MacFall continued,

Also, I didn’t want to set any unrealistic expectations and I was also curious about the number of birds that get hooked with sabiki hooks. I know it’s a complicated situation with several agencies involved but if there is any way to prohibit the sabiki and treble hooks on the pier I know it would help the situation and go a long way with the advocates and public who are trying to help the FOTP… I don’t know much about these hooks but it seems like a small change (fishermen could keep fishing) that would provide significant help for the pelicans and other birds at this pier. Thank you for at least thinking about it. 😊 And please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist.”

In addition, Friends of the Pelicans have attempeted to shut down Fort DeSoto Pier County Park.


1. March 20, 2020 — Subj: Skyway Public Fishing Pier and COVID-19.

The piers, like the beaches and other public areas where people gather in large amounts should be closed immediately. This is a huge health risk to the citizens of Manatee and other counties… I hope you will agree that keeping any public fishing pier open, especially with beaches and most other places closed, poses a huge public health risk to our population and that you will take whatever steps necessary to see that they are also closed down.(Jeanette Edwards)

2. September 7, 2020—Subj: Pelicans and Fort DeSoto Gulf Fishing Pier. Jeanette Edwards

I won’t beat around the bush but will come straight to the point which is to very respectfully ask you to please shut down the Gulf Pier for the next two months until the bait (and therefore the pelicans) move on.

3. Dec 16, 2020 Friends of the Pelicans Facebook Post.

Banning the super tiny hook sabiki rigs that so many pelicans get hopelessly tangled in. Banning treble or double hooks. Not allowing shark fishing from the pier.

4. January 8, 2021 — Subj: Skyway Fishing Pier State Park — Brown Pelican Entanglement

Note: Jeanette Edwards made unsubstantiated accusations to FWC Decretary, Executive Staff and employees that pelicans were scalped and tortured by someone at the Skyway Fishing Piers. In the FWC Complaint to FWC admitted had not witnessed this. FWC Law Enforcement had investigated and found the complaint to be unfounded.

For example, just this Christmas day a fisherman brutally tore open the entire back of the neck of a young pelican and left him on the pier to die — thankfully another kinder fisherman saw him and called us. We have found them with their wings torn off, throats slashed and often they simply tie the fishing line tightly around their beaks and neck and then release them to fly away knowing they will slowly starve to death in a very torturous way.They [Skyway Fishing Pier] are open 24 hours a day while most parks are only open from sunrise to sunset and most importantly, they have very few if any regulations on the pier… (Jeanette Edwards)

5. January 20, 2021.

Because of the unbelievable number of birds being hooked daily and because they do not leave but stay there hunting and diving until 9:00 or 10:00 at night (we have witnessed this but fishermen will also confirm this — that they are hunting and diving all night long) we would like to ask the State to have the pier open only from Sunrise to Sunset as most State Parks do. (Jeanette Edwards)

NOTE: Rarely do pelicans and seabirds forage after sunset. FWC Commissioners echoed this and refused to close the pier at night.

6. January 24, 2021 — Subj: Skyway Fishing Pier State Park

We are asking for the FDOT to immediately close the pier at sunset and reopen at sunrise…. We and many other organizations are so fed up with the atrocities that happen on this pier that they would like for the pier to be closed permanently but right now having it close at sunset would be a concession that we would be happy with… Our third request is a temporary measure for the next few months until the weather is warmer which is to have the very last section of the South Skyway Fishing Pier (from the last restroom to the end) closed to vehicles. (Jeanette Edwards)

7. January 24, 2021— Subj: Pelicans being intentionally tortured on the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park.

someone (or possibly more than one person) is intentionally torturing our pelicans at night

8. January 29, 2021 — Subj: Pelicans tortured on Skyway Fishing Pier State Park — Nine recovered so far — one dead.

We therefore are asking the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection to immediately make an amendment to the CONCESSION AGREEMENT — DEP Agreement No. CA-0714 — between the Department of Environmental Protection and Pier Associates, Inc., specifically: EXHIBIT A, Minimum Operational Requirements and Procedures, paragraph 1. Operations, a. Hours of operation to be changed from: “The Park shall operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.” To “The Park shall operate each day from sunrise to sunset, 365 days per year”. (Jeanette Edwards)

· someone — possibly more than one person — is intentionally torturing very young, juvenile brown pelicans in the middle of the night on the South Skyway Fishing Pier.

· We actually have noticed two distinct patterns on their foreheads which leads us to believe it is two individuals doing this instead of only one.

· Jan 9, Jan 22, two on Jan 24, three on Jan 25

· We now knew this was being intentionally done. tortured terribly with a huge portion of his forehead cut

· individual who did this also trimmed his flight feathers so he would not be able to fly away and escape the torture.

· In fact, it is even possible that whoever did this actually caught the bird and pulled him onto the pier during the day as they often do and being unable to torture him then with others around, he simply trimmed some flight feathers making it impossible for the pelican to leave so that he could return later in the dark of night to torture and kill him. These types of people will go on to kill humans.

Fyi, our LE [Law Enforcement] is opening up an investigation on this. If you are good, I’ll set up a meeting with you, LE and Melissa to get more information, next week?

9. February 9, 2021 — Subj: Brown Pelican Entanglement Issue at the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park. (Jeanette Edwards)

entangled at an alarming rate.

Immediate closure of the pier until a plan can be developed and implemented on how to care for these Federally protected birds.

10. February 16, 2021— Subj: Sunshine Skyway Pier & bird mortality (Audubon to DEP).

sure you’ve been getting a substantial amount of public feedback and unwanted press about the number of mortalities at the Skyway Pier.

Note: Jeanette Edwards had approached the media and had asked followers to email DEP.

11. Mar 25, 2021 — Subj: Brown Pelican Entanglement Issue at the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park. (Jeanette Edwards to Commissioner Rood)

Change Hours of operation, “changing it from: “The Park shall operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.” To “The Park shall operate each day from sunrise to sunset, 365 days per year”.

“and if the DEP could requre that the [Concessionaire’s] lease be amended.”

12. June 20, 2022 — Subj: Skyway Fishing Pier pelicans need your help.

Prohibit the use of treble hooks on the piers; Prohibit the use of ‘sabiki’ rigs on the piers; Prohibit the practice of chumming with bait from the pier; Prohibit the use of braided lines on the pier; Reduce hours at night; we know of no other State Park that is open 24 hours.

“As an advocate for wildlife, I have been working with the non-profit organization, Friends of the Pelicans (FOTP), to find ways to lessen the inadvertent killing and maiming of pelicans and other birds at the two-mile-long Skyway Fishing Pier. Birds there are under attack, if you will, by hooks and lines of the many anglers who fish there. We have nothing against fishermen; however, improvements must be made to prevent the continuous decline of birds there.”

Note: There are two fishing piers, North is .62 miles long, and South is 1.5 miles long. Friends of the Pelicans have falsely accused fishermen of scalping and torturing pelicans. Friends of the Pelicans uses false narratives to fundraise, where 2022 contributions increased from 2021’s $48,367, to over $100,000.

In a July 2, 2022 email to Audubon chapters and members, and Florida FWC, Audubon Florida’s Ann Paul has stated,

“My other concern is that the Friends approach has always been to blame the fishermen.”

13. August 22, 2022 — Subj: Temporary closure of the North end of the South Skyway Fishing Pier (Jeanette Edwards)

We are asking for a very small portion, only a few hundred yards before the last restroom to the end of the pier, to be temporarily closed to fishing during the next few months during this season which will only get worse when the pelicans who migrate here arrive.

The Sunshine Skyway State Park is not being managed in a way that preserves and protects many of our natural resources and wildlife including dolphin, manatee, stingray, turtles but especially pelicans. In fact, the number of pelicans that are being hooked and killed at this pier every single day is decimating the pelican population in our area which has been steadily declining each year.

14. September 12, 2022 — Subj: Immediate closure of north end of South Skyway OR closing pier from Monday to Thursday. (Jeanette Edwards)

killing of our seabird population has been going on for too many years (for at least 10 years that we know you are aware of) and we cannot lose another season of our newly fledged pelicans and terns, not to mention all of those that have migrated here.

15. September 14, 2022 — Subj: MORE DEATHS THIS MORNING — IMMEDIATE closure of north end of South Skyway OR closing pier from Monday to Thursday. (Kim Begay, Co-Founder and Vice-Chair. VP & Conservation Advocate, Clearwater Audubon Society)

We are AGAIN asking for the IMMEDIATE closure of the north end of the South Skyway Fishing Pier, or closing the South Skyway Fishing Pier from Monday through Thursday.

· Action needs to be taken to protect Brown Pelicans from deaths and injuries at the Skyway Fishing Pier NOW.

· Please respond immediately to let Friends of the Pelicans, Inc. and the concerned citizens of Tampa Bay know what actions you plan to take to protect Brown Pelicans and seabirds at the South Skyway Fishing Pier, and when you plan to do them.

Prior to Kim Begay’s email, Jeanette Edwards had emailed Fl House Representative Linda Cheney HD 61.

Immediate closure of:

1. The fishing pier during the week from Monday to Thursday so we can pool our resources for the busy weekends. This is not permanent but just for the next few months. Very few people are on the pier during the week but they still do a lot of harm — one man last week on a Tuesday admitted to hookin and cutting the line on 10 pelicans because no one was around to help, so even with a few people on the pier it is deadly.


2. Closing the north end of the fishing pier to fishing (from right after the bait shop north to where most of the fishermen and pelicans congregate which is also the most deadly spot for our pelicans and where we find them tied up to the pilings under the pier, usually dead, due to the L at the end of the pier) for the next few months. This seems like a reasonable request because it is a two mile long pier and even after closing off the end it would still be three times longer than the north pier.

16. September 20, 2022—Subj:Re: Immediate closure of north end of South Skyway OR closing pier from Monday to Thursday. (Jeanette Edwards)

Again, we are asking for an immediate temporary closure of the north end of the South Skyway Fishing pier until some meaningful protective measures can be put into place. You shut the entire pier for a month during COVID in 2021, you can certainly close off the very end of a two mile long fishing pier temporarily to protect our seabirds.

17. January 26, 2023—Subj: Private Stakeholder Meeting with FWC

While we are very happy that you increased the closure now from three months to five months there is still much we would like to talk to you about.

18. January 31, 2023 — Subj: Skyway Fishing Pier and Suggested Change to Proposed Sabiki Ban (Jeanette Edwards)

Speaking on behalf of Friends of the Pelicans, even though we would like to see a full 12 month ban on treble hooks and sabiki rigs we would like to suggest if you are going to have a partial ban on sabiki rigs that the area to close should not be only the very north end as you have proposed. Even though the majority of hookups (with all gear, not only sabiki rigs) are at this end, the pelicans will still leave and cruise back and forth along the entire length of the pier. By closing only that small area to sabiki rigs, it will leave the majority of the pier unprotected and the remaining length of the pier would actually be even more dangerous than before as it would then be full of sabiki lines.

We would like to suggest that if FWC feels they must allow sabiki rigs on this pier that they be limited to the beginning of the pier only. The area that we would like to see banned would be from the FIRST restroom to the end of the pier, not the last restroom to the end as you have proposed.

19. March 13, 2023 — Subj: Response to your questions (Jeanette Edwards)

Consideration of a 5–6 month ban of treble hooks and sabiki rigs to circumvent the spring and fall Mackerel runs by having them banned Nov, Dec, Jan (which the fishermen suggested) and then also May, June, July. This would be a fair compromise to help protect the seabird’s winter migration period and part of their summer nesting period while allowing the rigs for the anglers’ spring and fall Mackerel runs. · Consideration of banning sabiki rigs year round as suggested by Commissioner Nicklaus from sunrise to sunset.

20. April 2024. Friends of the Pelicans Facebook Post

Friends of the Pelicans posted on Facebook, “One solution to make it much safer for our pelicans is to make only the first half of the pier for fishing and the second half, the more deadly half, would be closed to fishing. The second half could be used for walking, jogging, birding, photographing…this is a STATE PARK and should be a place where everyone can enjoy it and not only the fishermen. A place where our wildlife is protected and not slaughtered on a daily basis.”

Additional Articles

January 18, 2024. Skyway Fishing Piers Break Visitor Record

January 24, 2021. Bird rescue non-profit Friends of the Pelican wants to shut down Skyway Fishing Piers

February 18, 2021. FWC Finds Jeanette Edwards, Friends of the Pelicans claims [Scalped pelicans, etc] to be Unfounded

February 19, 2021. Florida FWC fueled tension between bird conservation and fishing groups

January 22, 2023. Skyway Bridge Is Tampa Bay’s Most Underrated Tourism Attraction

February 6, 2023. What is Friends of the Pelican’s mission as a 501(c)(3) Charity?

April 21, 2023. Florida FWC cited Friends of the Pelicans volunteers for Feeding Pelicans

April 26, 2023. Skyway Fishing Pier State Park had over 1.29 million visitors since 2018




Robert Neff

Writer, photographer, photojournalism, artist. Gr8 draft writer. Out of box thinker with data, UX, startups. Travel & tourism. Documenting Skyway Bridge