Florida FWC Finds Jeanette Edwards, Founder Friends of the Pelicans’ Scalped and Tortured Pelicans Claim to be Unfounded

Robert Neff
8 min readJan 25, 2023


Update: February 6, 2023. Updated: March 26, 2023.

FWC Investigators: Based on the interviews, evidence, and information gathered to date, I find it unlikely an individual or group of individuals were intentionally causing harm to brown pelicans at the South Skyway Fishing Pier. During the investigation, the FWC did not establish any credible leads, evidence, motives, or suspects from past incidents involving injured brown pelicans. I find it more likely that the brown pelicans sustained their injuries from one of the following explanations provided by FWC Biologist Rebecca Scheider. The status of this case will be suspended and it will be closed as unfounded

On February 18, 2021, FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION (FWC) released Investigative Case Report. ISR039259 (04). This was the 4th version. Version (03) and (04) are different but each state the report to be “Unfounded.” The FWC released Investigative Case Report. ISR039259 (04) is provided at the end of this article. This was obtained through Public Records Request W164713–120822.

Jeanette Edwards, an experienced bird rescuer, spoke to several Tampa Bay news media, who published her claims. It is unknown if Ms. Edwards retracted these. FoxNews 13 wrote, FWC looking for tips regarding scalped pelicans near Skyway pier. Anglers at the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park and I disputed Jeanette Edwards’s claim. However, now conservation groups are supporting Friends of the Pelicans and calling for the Skyway Fishing Piers to be closed in part or permanently.

Rescue groups say someone is deliberately scalping pelicans by the Skyway fishing pier, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is investigating the crime.

The following was obtained from that conversation: (See pages 1–4).

“On February 19th, 2021, I spoke with Jeanette Edwards, the founder of Friends of Pelicans. I introduced myself as an investigator with the Florida Fish and Wildlife and explained that I would be assisting with organizing and documenting the FWC’s investigative efforts.

On page 5,

I then asked Jeanette Edwards if she had any evidence to support the theory that individuals or groups of individuals were purposely harming the pelicans.

• Jeanette Edwards told me she did not have proof, but it was her opinion that it was the case.

•I requested Jeannette Edwards complete a sworn written statement to document what she and her team have experienced since the start of the incidents. Ms. Edwards did not provide a sworn written statement, according to Public Records Request.

Jeannette Edwards provided pictures of the injured pelicans for each specific incident, identified by date of occurrence. However, these were not the original images.

FWC Regional Species Conservation Biologist assisted in the investigation and offered different explanations.

On April 15th, 2021, I received a statement from Rebecca Schneider, an FWC Regional Species Conservation Biologist. Rebecca Schneider was assisting with the investigation by consulting with professional wildlife rehabilitators and pelican researchers. She received the following explanations for the observed head injuries:

• Blunt force trauma: pelicans are hitting their heads on the concrete pilings or sub-surface objects when they dive, especially when they are thrown off balance by wind.

• Monofilament: fishing line litter could slice through the skin if it’s wrapped around the mandible.

• Feeding frenzy: intentional feeding of bait, guts, or chum causes the birds to fight leading to incidental or aggressive injuries from competitors’ bills.

• Boat propeller: when fed from a charter fishing boat, pelicans may dive or lunge toward a moving prop blade.

In subsequent Public Records Requests, the investigative officer repeated the request for Jeanette Edwards in an email to provide sworn testimony.

Here is the officer’s response per Public Records Request, W167236–011323,

” Jeanette Edwards did not provide a sworn written statement. I included this in the case summary in the interview portion with Jeanette Edwards.”

In another Public Records Request, I asked FWC for all the images. Some image files were taken by the office. There was no mention of who provided the images. The images had no metadata for the camera field or location field. The name field and other meta data filed was missing. I am unsure if FWC removed the data. In my estimate, there is no chain of custody for these images.

From photographing the Friends of the Pelicans and writing supportive articles for their work, I do know Mr. Kahn takes a picture with his smartphone of every rescue. Mobile phones track your GPS location, unless this is turned off or if there is no data on the mobile carrier plan. But the other metadata is collected. When posting to Facebook, all metadata is removed.

Every photo has a Document ID in the metadata. This can serve to verify chain of custody. It is unknown if the investigating officer verified the original images were provided.

The report does not state where the image was taken or time of day/ Instead, the Jurisdiction is Private Property.

In another Public Records Request I disputed this claim as DOT is responsible for the Fishing Piers and many images clearly show they are in a State Park. Some appear to be an animal hospitals when the body cam footage confirms.

According to Public Records Request W164907–121322, the FWC Assistant General Counsel,

“I am an attorney for the Division of Law Enforcement at the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Commission). Our staff have shared your public records requests and other communications with me. We are working on reviewing photos in order to determine whether we have any releasable records responsive to your request from earlier today.”

FWC replied,

“The provided photos were provided to the Agency by an outside entity. These records have been provided to you in the format in which they were received, and have been maintained, by the Agency. There are no additional records to provide.”

As FWC accepted the images provided by the outside agency, FWC did not verify chain of custody.

FWC seeks public input at Jan. 25 virtual workshop for potential Skyway Pier fishing regulations

Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission sent this bulletin at 01/23/2023 04:07 PM EST

More information on Friends of the Pelicans is available at What is Friends of the Pelican’s mission as a 501(c)(3) Charity?

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | FWC

Investigative Case Report ISR039259 (04) was a legally obtained document; see Public Records Request W164713–120822. Friends of the Pelicans requested Jeanette Edwards's personal information be redacted. It is unknown if the person making the request was Jeanette Edwards, founder of Friends of the Pelicans, or not. The request was honored.

Click the image to enlarge.

I am a writer, photojournalist and have had press credentials and media access. I am writing a book on the Skyway and now this may include a section on FWC’s public comment. I also am a volunteer bird steward with the Florida Audubon.



Robert Neff

Writer, photographer, photojournalism, artist. Gr8 draft writer. Out of box thinker with data, UX, startups. Travel & tourism. Documenting Skyway Bridge