Working on a startup is the closest you can get to the actual thing

Ronald Vermeijs
3 min readJul 4, 2016


Image | Colombia pictures

I’ve been working on and off on project for clients for quite sometime now. In my short time as an independant Art Director I’ve seen a lot of agencies from the inside. And I’ve realised we agency folk are at a strange place in the hole of the spectrum. Especially when it comes to designing online things. We’re there for the users of our clients, but it’s the clients that pay us.

This all changes when you’re at a startup, you’re right up there with the people who dreamed up this product in the first place. Which is awesome! You get to dicuss all the things relevant to the product, hear their insights , the goals and see the challenges that lie ahead.

Mainly the last thing is of some importance, running a company can seem rather simple to some of us on the outside. But when you’re in there when the founders get blow after blow and have to keep going, that’s when it hit me. Running a bussines is difficult enough setting one up from scratch is something else. There dealing with fierce completion, developers that need to do complicated stuff quickly. Then there are the stakeholders, the fast changing landscape, supliers requirements and more. All the while pushing towards a deadline where others could have been developing that might launch before they do. And quite possible blow them out of the water. These guys and girls going at it really desevere our respect.

But the most motivating about it I thought was that the product was this interactive thing. So I got in there and really tried to make this thing work the best I could, not for the founders, stakeholders or the developers (which gave me some headaches) but for the user. Cause that’s where I could really help and have in impact, in fact I’ve never felt that I had this much impact. You can really put your experience and craft where it’s most needed and see direct results.

Filter app, the app I hope to get back to real soon. The idea was to give user a small and intimite look into the musical adventures of their favorite artists and bands. For a small ammount fans could get video’s from recording sessions, pre concerts jams and after party video’s. A great way for small bands to get noticed and get paid ;)

I also briefly worked on a small startup which was really fun and inspiring, al the freedom and focus really gave way to creativity. I hope to get back to it real quick and that I can handle the blows that come my way.

So I’d say if you’re in this business I’d say do at leat one startup gig. Or dream one up yourself. It will help you evolve and you learn a lot. I did.

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