1 min readOct 22, 2016


I think if I was FORCED to answer a question like this, I’d talk to my wife first. She knows more about the subject. Recognizing that women get treated differently, and that Ms. Clinton would win in a landslide if she were male, doesn’t make me an expert.

I’m a bit disappointed that you didn’t do a bit of data mining and use real comments. I’m sure you could find far more absurd answers out there.

As far as the last piece of Marco’s advice goes, maybe we should all be doing this? Gotta be more exciting than another dreary football game, though I suppose the optimal number of beers would have to be reduced. And doesn’t the League of Women Voters do this? I seem to remember, many years ago, my mother getting a little conference on foreign policy going, though I was a bit too young then to be solid on the details at this late date.

