
Life in Maine

A Poem

RN Manchester
1 min readJun 1, 2022


Original acrylic painting by the author.

Springtime showers, purple lupine flowers,
Mountains in the west part of the state.

Sea-side towns, wildlife abounds,
I love a summer clambake.

Sunrise and fog, mushrooms on logs,
It’s quiet with no honking horns.

Oceans to the east, many fine people to meet,
Dining on lobster, chowder, and s’mores.

Cool summer breezes, love all four seasons,
Owls call out in the night.

Cool breeze in July, no more black flies,
Sitting by a fire in the moonlight.

Warm cider and cake, the snow I can take,
There is no light pollution.

Walks on trails, through woods and vales,
An osprey that caught a fish in the ocean.

Islands and harbors, pine trees and flowers,
Maine is my favorite state.

Copyright © 2022 by RN Manchester. All Rights Reserved.



RN Manchester

I write mostly short stories. Pretty much any genre, though I lean toward science fiction, fantasy and horror.