The Unsolved Truth about Dr. Jose Rizal’s Retraction

RN Reario | Rianne Nicolle Reario
2 min readSep 16, 2023


The discussion about Dr. Rizal’s Retraction splices into two major significant key points which are the rejection of masonry and the repudiation of anything he said against the church. That diverted and leads to different perspectives among people — believers and skeptics — creating a debatable basis for discussion.

As stated by the believers of the said Retraction paper, he (Dr. Jose Rizal) converted to the Catholic church before he died, and there were witnesses such as bishops and friars present at the scene. This has been documented by Father Cavanna, the individual who released the retraction itself and stated things deals with Rizal through a book called Rizal’s Unfading Glory in 1935. On the contrary of this topic gained by the said retraction, those who oppose this assertion they point out that Dr. Rizal’s handwriting doesn’t match that in the retraction paper, and the original document is also missing. Another thing , a man named Roman Roque admits that he, himself, was hired by the friars to fake the said paper. The gap of the years from year 1896 to 1935 between Rizal’s death and the document’s release in 1935 raises suspicions that it been hidden from the public. Moreover, there is a revelation that the marriage certificates of Rizal and Bracket are considered non-existent at CBCP based on the discussion.

Things really don’t make sense right? but picturing this kind of concept will ask ourselves, “Why would a hero die for his country just to say or mark an argument that he’s not anymore against his nemesis?”. ‘ It’s not a question against the teachings of the words of God, but rather one about the institution of the Catholic church itself, which seems to generate confusing narratives that don’t align with the timestamps, connections, etc. As long as we question things, the more we reveal the puzzling concepts of our historic collection. We know that the Spaniards used religion as a strong barrier to control and manipulate the rule of our country, employing the words of God to reign over the Philippines. the institution itself is attempting to clear its name from the masses, or perchance Dr. Rizal had doubts about his stance in the fight for our country. Lastly, things always have to be proven with evidence, especially when we’re dealing with history.

