The Monkey Experiment: A Lesson in Challenging Business Processes

Rob Richmond
2 min readJun 21, 2023


The Monkey Experiment: A Lesson in Challenging Business Processes

In 1966, a fascinating experiment was conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison involving five monkeys in a large cage. The experiment, led by researcher Gordon Stephenson, aimed to shed light on how learned behaviors and fear of consequences can influence decision-making. Little did the monkeys know that their experiences would hold a profound business lesson applicable even in today’s world.

The Cold Water Lesson

As the experiment commenced, one monkey bravely embarked on a mission to reach the coveted bananas. However, to his surprise, the researcher sprayed him with a chilling stream of water, immediately dashing his hopes of enjoying the delicious fruit. What followed was unexpected yet intriguing. The other monkeys in the cage, witnessing the punishment, also experienced the icy blast.

A Chain Reaction of Learning

As the monkeys recovered from the unexpected shower, a powerful lesson began to take hold. When the next monkey tried to climb the ladder, the others, still shivering from their previous encounter, knew what would come next. Unspoken understanding permeated the air, and instead of using words, they resorted to physical gestures — cuffing, thwacking, and pummeling the aspiring climber. The message was clear: Do not attempt to go for the bananas.

A Shift in Dynamics

With each subsequent replacement of an original monkey with a new one, the pattern persisted. The newcomers, unaware of the cold water treatment, innocently approached the ladder. However, the existing monkeys, having learned the lesson without firsthand experience, prevented the newcomers from repeating the futile and uncomfortable endeavor.

The Birth of a Profound Business Lesson

At the end of the experiment, none of the original monkeys remained in the cage, yet the collective behavior had not changed. Despite never encountering the cold water spray themselves, they had learned to abstain from attempting to reach the bananas. This simple experiment unveiled one of the greatest business lessons of all time — an unwavering adherence to outdated and nonsensical processes.

Applying the Lesson

The monkey experiment serves as a powerful reminder that within organisations, both large and small, key processes demand regular examination and re-evaluation. Too often, employees continue to follow established procedures without understanding their purpose or questioning their effectiveness. The fear of disrupting the status quo can hinder progress and innovation.

To address this challenge, businesses must embrace a culture of continuous improvement. By regularly examining existing processes, teams can identify inefficiencies, streamline operations, and unlock new opportunities for growth. As the saying goes, “a process examined is a process improved.”

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