The Echo Chamber Effect:

Robert Wild
4 min readAug 30, 2023

Navigating the Digital Landscape of Diverse Perspectives

The image captures the concept of someone speaking inside their own bubble of information, illustrating the phenomenon known as the “echo chamber effect.” In the center of the image, a person is depicted standing within a translucent, iridescent bubble. The bubble represents their personal echo chamber, a space where their beliefs, opinions, and perspectives are reinforced by a constant stream of information that aligns with their existing views.

If you ever start to wonder why we are becoming more and more polarized.
Why some of us are convinced that you as a Liberal or Conservative are always right and they are wrong.

I’ll tell you why! It’s the algorithm’s baby! It’s the algorithms.

It’s because as our technology has progressed , the engineering and coding that initially was in its infancy was just to enable the internet to work and keep working but over time has become something of a modified nightmare “ghost net” that has ensnared us all.

What is a Ghost Net?

It’s a nasty yet accurate wording for when fishing trawlers around the world have cast their net’s out to haul in a catch but then sometimes these net’s get abandoned , discarded or lost as they maybe slip loose from the ship and get left behind, only to stay floating submerged and thereby terribly dangerous and harmful to sharks and other fish that get caught in them.

There they will most likely stay and perish, unless diver’s put in amazing effort and come along to free them.

My analogy is that we as a species are now separated and caught in these awfully clever algorithms.



Robert Wild

I gravitate towards keeping up to date with all things Health, Technology and Music and feel obligated to share what helps us all. Thank you for stopping by!