The Perils of Overthinking

Robert Wild
2 min readMar 27, 2024
AI Image of Overthinking

Finding the Sweet Spot Between Thinking and Doing

When you think too much, you can get stuck in your head and lose sight of what’s important. You can also be an overthinker and then make mistakes.
So, we need to acknowledge this and try to find a balance between thinking and acting.

It is quite easy to get stuck in your own head and just keep overthinking everything.

It’s like you’re trapped in this constant cycle of analyzing every little detail and potential outcome. Before you know it, you’ve totally lost sight of what actually matters and you’re just spinning your wheels.

The truth is, overthinking rarely actually helps — it usually just stresses you out and causes you to make mistakes or miss opportunities because you’re paralyzed by indecision.

Look, life comes at you fast. One minute you’re trying to figure it all out, then suddenly the next minute or two has already flown by.

So we need to find a point where we realize we just need to try and step back, take a nice deep breath, and go with our gut feeling.

Yeah, it can be scary as hell to just trust your instincts and take that leap of faith into actually doing something. But if you get too caught up in the endless cycle of…



Robert Wild

I gravitate towards keeping up to date with all things Health, Technology and Music and feel obligated to share what helps us all. Thank you for stopping by!