7. What’s in this for me?

Robert Douglass
1 min readNov 29, 2016


In the spirit of full disclosure, here are all the reasons it is personally important to me to talk about Drupal Commerce in this way. Some eyebrows were raised when I first tweeted challenging criticism to Acquia on their ecommerce strategy. It’s not sour grapes. It’s quite the opposite.

  1. I dearly love Free Software, Drupal, my current company, Commerce Guys, and Acquia. I have deep personal connections into all of the above and want every single one to succeed. Everyone I know in all of these endeavors benefit from a strong Drupal Commerce.
  2. Platform.sh, my current employer and already included in point #1, benefits from a strong Drupal Commerce. This is simultaneously super obvious and not why I’m raising this topic. Sure, we host more Drupal Commerce sites than anybody, and have a stunning track record at doing it, largely because we really understand ecommerce and because many of us helped build Drupal Commerce, but writing this series of articles is not how I would try to market Platform.sh.

That’s it. That’s all of the dogs I have in this race, all the skin I have in the game. Discuss!

